The Executive Committee gathered virtually for its monthly work session at 3:00 pm.
Present: Jenni Tilton-Flood, Luke Shorty, Pam Proulx-Curry, Ed Barrett, Celeste Branham, Maryalice Crofton
Remote Attendance Policy briefing from Luke and Maryalice.
Luke attended meeting with DOE AAG Sarah Forster who reviewed the new law and requirements for holding meetings that include a remote attendance option for board members. One board shared a draft policy it developed as an example of how its members addressed some of the broad issues. Working from that example, a draft policy for the Commission was developed and discussed. Executive Committee members will review a revised draft in August and circulate to the full board for comment before putting a final draft on the September agenda. Under the legal requirements, the board cannot have remote attendees until after the policy is adopted so everyone will have to be in-person for September.
New Candidate & Reappointment Developments. There are three people who want to be reappointed whose paperwork has not been submitted. Maryalice will send reminders. Exec Committee members discussed recruits for empty seats and each person took an assignment for outreach. Candidates need to be secured by August Exec meeting.
ARPA Funding prospects, possibilities, and not so possible. Maryalice provided an update for AmeriCorps ARPA funds. The rules for AmeriCorps Competitive have been released and are not anything like states expected. Maine Conservation Corps can’t even pull down the new full cost per MSY. The announcement from CNCS was not clear that the documents and instructions pertained only to competitive so states spent about 48 hours very upset. CNCS has since clarified and promised formula funding amounts and rules will be out within two weeks. There is no word on VGF and CSG funding so no solid planning can occur.
JEDI work and session briefing. Celeste reported on her earlier meeting with a potential consultant. While the person would be wonderful, the scheduling does not work for this year. To explore others, the consultant provided contacts for others who do similar work and Celeste will investigate their suitability as well as availability.
2021 Board Retreat Discussion. The date is set for September 16 and 17. Since there will be room for other topics, members agreed to seek a facilitator and Celeste will reach out to the person who led the retreat last year. The short survey of board members on topics was reviewed but outlining an agenda will wait until the facilitator is secured.
A topic held for August Exec is what guests to have at board meetings so the JEDI work can start at some pace.
There being no other items to discuss, the members dispersed at 4:30 pm.