Help to prepare, respond, recover.
Maine first responder and emergency management agencies needing NCCC assistance with any phase of emergency response should contact Volunteer Maine for information on initiating the process.
AmeriCorps NCCC
The AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps, or AmeriCorps NCCC, is an AmeriCorps program that engages 18- to 26-year-olds in team-based national and community service. Approximately 1,200 Corps Members and Team Leaders serve at one of four regional campuses. Vinton, Iowa serves Maine.
Each campus serves as a training center and hub for a multi-state region. Members are required to complete a minimum of 1,700 hours of service and typically, members complete an average of 1,850 service hours per term. Members are organized into teams, each made up of eight to twelve Corps Members and one Team Leader. Corps Members and Team Leaders are representative of all colors, creeds, states, and economic status.
AmeriCorps NCCC is a nationally deployable resource available to the federal AmeriCorps Disaster Services Unit (DSU) which has a role in both the National Response Framework and National Disaster Recovery Framework. NCCC teams often serve with local, state, tribal, and federal partners. Teams have responded to hurricanes, western wildfires, flooding, oil spills, tornadoes, and winter ice storms.
NCCC can deploy to nearly any disaster and are under the management of the AmeriCorps Incident Command System. Teams provide
- AmeriCorps Command Team (ACT)
- Volunteer management
- Donations management
- Mucking/gutting (post flood)
- Debris management
- Call center and data management
- Mass Care (sheltering, feeding)
- Long term recovery development
- Rebuilding homes
During “blue skies”, teams can work with local partners to provide
- Preparedness education
- Natural debris clearing and prescribed burns
AmeriCorps NCCC FEMA Corps
FEMA Corps members deploy with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) during a disaster. They will most often serve at the Joint Field Office engaged in a variety of activities including:
- Disaster Survivor Assistance (registering survivors for assistance)
- Logistics support
- Public Assistance projects (surveying, data management)
- GIS Mapping