This page has both the Commission's grant competition announcements and links to grants made directly by the AmeriCorps federal agency. Official competition announcements are on the State of Maine Division of Procurement Services page for Grants.

AmeriCorps Grants
Competitions open at this time:
Maine AmeriCorps Standard Grant: RFA 202502028 Maine AmeriCorps Standard Grant_Final (pdf)
Volunteer Maine, the Commission for Community Service, is seeking proposals for AmeriCorps programs under Maine AmeriCorps Standard Formula grant competition. Programs must have sufficient service work to account for at least 13,600 hours of service by AmeriCorps members in each of three years.
Applicants must implement an evidence-based program model that addresses a critical local need. Congress directed AmeriCorps to focus efforts on six categories of issues. Within those categories, states can set priorities for grant investments based on the needs of their state.
Volunteer Maine will accept proposals that fit within any of the Focus Areas described on page 7 but it will award additional points to applications aligned with Volunteer Maine’s funding priorities.
These priority areas are:
- Public Health – including domestic violence, abuse or neglect, substance use, emergency preparedness/response, adverse childhood experiences, and mental health;
- Workforce development – combining service with skill development or certifications that lead to post-service employment.
- Housing – affordable and safe housing; home energy conservation, weatherization, or repair including programs that perform the modifications, teach homeowners DIY skills, or help residents connect with programs that offer financial assistance to accomplish the projects
- Environmental/community resilience, adaptation, and sustainability including emergency preparedness.
In addition, Volunteer Maine will give preference points to applications
- From partnerships or coalitions whose members represent local organizations working together to implement a common evidence-based approach to a community problem. Partnerships are expected to either build on existing cooperative efforts or draw new partners together in ways that do not duplicate existing community efforts. One member of the coalition must serve as the legal applicant and lead sponsor for the program. It must be evident in the proposal that the skills and resources needed to implement the project (fiscal, volunteer management, documentation, connection to customers, grant management, evaluation, and stakeholder participation) exist among the partners and that each partner has a defined role in implementation.
Eligible applicants are public or non-profit agencies, higher education institutions, and regional organizations that will operate an AmeriCorps program solely within Maine. Grants may range from $216,000 to $270,000. A copy of this RFA, as well as the Question & Answer Summary and all amendments related to this RFA, can be obtained through the link below and at the following website:
There will be a virtual information session on 03/12/2025 at 3:00 to 4:00 pm to answer questions about this AmeriCorps competition. Registration is required. Use this link:
Proposals must be submitted electronically as directed in the RFA. Both the proposal sections using the federal eGrants system and additional documents emailed to the Division of Procurement Services ( must be received no later than 11:59 p.m., local time on April 8, 2025. Proposals received after the 11:59 p.m. deadline will be rejected without exception.
Maine Rural State AmeriCorps: RFA 202502026 Maine Rural State Americorps Grants_Final (pdf)
Volunteer Maine, the Commission for Community Service, is seeking proposals for AmeriCorps programs under Maine Rural State AmeriCorps grant competition. A grant award covers three years of operation. Organizations that implement Rural AmeriCorps programs, design service activities that annually require between 3,400 and 8,500 hours of service by a team of AmeriCorps members serving full-time (37 hours/week).
Applicants must implement an evidence-based program model that addresses a critical local need. Congress directed AmeriCorps to focus efforts on six categories of issues. Within those categories, states can set priorities for grant investments based on the needs of their state.
Volunteer Maine will accept proposals that fit within any of the Focus Areas described on page 6 but it will award additional points to applications aligned with Volunteer Maine’s funding priorities.
These priority areas are:
- Public Health – including domestic violence, abuse or neglect, substance use, emergency preparedness/response, adverse childhood experiences, and mental health;
- Workforce development – combining service with skill development or certifications that lead to post-service employment • Housing – affordable and safe housing; home energy conservation, weatherization, or repair including programs that perform the modifications, teach homeowners DIY skills, or help residents connect with programs that offer financial assistance to accomplish the projects and,
- Environmental/community resilience, adaptation, and sustainability including emergency preparedness.
In addition, Volunteer Maine will give preference points to applications
- From organizations with a physical presence in, and intending to serve, counties classified as 6, 7, or 8 on the USDA rural-urban continuum code. Those counties are Franklin, Hancock, Oxford, Somerset, Waldo, Aroostook, Knox, Washington, Lincoln, and Piscataquis.
Eligible applicants are public or non-profit agencies, higher education institutions, and regional organizations that will operate an AmeriCorps program solely within Maine. Typical awards range from $54,000 to $135,000. A copy of this RFA, as well as the Question & Answer Summary and all amendments related to this RFA, can be obtained through the link below and at the following website:
There will be a virtual information session on 03/12/2025 at 1:00 to 2:00 pm to answer questions about this AmeriCorps competition. Registration is required. Use this link:
Proposals must be submitted electronically as directed in the RFA. Both the proposal sections using the federal eGrants system and additional documents emailed to the Division of Procurement Services ( must be received no later than 11:59 p.m., local time on April 8, 2025. Proposals received after the 11:59 p.m. deadline will be rejected without exception.

Maine Climate Corps Grants
There are no active requests for applications at this time.
For information, contact the Climate Corps Coordinator at 207-624-7792.

Direct Grants from AmeriCorps
AmeriCorps NCCC North Central Region 2024-2025 Request for Applications
Who Can Receive a Team?
Nonprofit and faith-based organizations, government entities (federal, state and local), public schools and universities, and Native American Tribal Councils.
What Can Teams Do?
- NCCC teams work on a variety of projects, each lasting up to the length of the round. Service areas include:
- Disaster Mitigation, Response & Recovery
- Urban and Rural Development
- Environmental Stewardship
- Energy Conservation
- Infrastructure Improvement
PLEASE NOTE: Due dates for project proposals vary.
To learn more about expectations of a project sponsor and how to apply use this LINK.
NOTE: Volunteer Maine staff are available to provide local advice on designing a project and submitting the proposal.
Federal contact for next steps:
Alana Svensen Hults, Assistant Program Director