Task Forces

Rather than using a system of standing board committees, the Commission work is accomplished by task forces that are created and formally charged with handling specific work in each Strategic Plan. With the concurrence of the assigned Commissioners, each task force may engage non-commission members whose expertise is needed. When a Task Force has fulfilled the charge for which it was created, it makes a final report to the commission and requests that it be disbanded.

  • Is responsible for helping the Commission communicate with the public. 
  • Accomplishes relevant objectives in the strategic plan.
Executive Committee (including Board Development)
  • Reviews and makes recommendations on legal, policy and management issues to staff and the full commission.
  • Acts on behalf of MCCS on issues that arise between meetings or outside the scope of existing task forces.
  • Oversees implementation of strategic plan.
  • Develops board meeting agendas and coordinates the work of all task forces.
  • Under the leadership of the Vice-Chair, develops all orientation and continuing education/training for commissioners.
  • Accomplish objectives in the strategic plan related to Board development. 
  • Monitors the strength of core skills on the board and responds to board needs.
  • Develops the annual retreat structure and content.

The mission of the Financial Oversight Task Force is to educate and communicate to the commissioners the financial condition and activities of the Commission, as well as the financial resources needed to meet our mission.

Institutional Effectiveness and Accountability

The Institutional Effectiveness and Accountability Task Force is responsible for ensuring the Commission's mission, policies, procedures, initiatives, and tactics are responsive to the varied needs of Maine communities. The task force carries out this responsibility by:

  • fostering Commission understanding of Maine communities, their residents, historic and current issues influencing their success and resilience, and local priorities;
  • assessing Commission activities and decisions through the lens of the Commission's Identity Statement to detect both opportunities and barriers to working with the Commission;
  • identifying conditions that may limit participation in service by Maine people and raising those conditions to Commission staff and Board members for potential resolution;
  • ensuring the mission, values, and beliefs of the Commission are central to all operations by holding staff and peers accountable for decisions that promote participation by all Maine people.
Service Programs

Oversees development and implementation of the community service programs for which the Commission is responsible through initiatives or statute.

  • Sets Commission policies, procedures, and participation requirements as needed.
  • Establishes and Coordinates a comprehensive system of professional development for leaders of community volunteer programs.
  • Ensures there is accessible, consistent training and technical assistance to support high-quality volunteer program operations by organizations.
  • Identifies appropriate responses to issues impacting Maine's volunteer sector and Commission grantees.
  • Considers effectiveness of sponsored service programs, recommending actions ot increase or sustain effectiveness, and keeping the full board apprised of operational challenges or successes.
  • Advises Public Policy on legislative issues that impact service programs.
  • Coordinates with other task forces and the Maine Volunteer Foundation on public or private funding opportunities that could support Commission service program goals.
Grant Selection and Performance
  • Develops policies, procedures and guidelines to link MCCS mission, vision and priorities, as articulated in the strategic plan, to grant-making functions.
  • Evaluates grantee performance and incorporates findings into recommendations regarding technical assistance and future grant funding.
  • Is responsible for the appointment of a peer review committee to evaluate and rank proposals.
  • Makes final recommendations to the Commission on approving and submitting formula and competitive grant programs to the Corporation for National and Community Service.
  • Accomplishes relevant objectives in the strategic plan.
Public Policy
  • Monitors government actions or plans that could impact Volunteer/community/national service.
  • Develops relationships with elected officials (state and federal) that keep them up-to-date.
  • Makes recommendations to the full commission on responses or comments to federal policy changes or Federal Register notices that are significant.
  • Coordinates outreach by board members and provide them with the tools to deliver pertinent information.
  • Keeps the board apprised of national, ASC, and state legislative developments.