Task Forces

Rather than using a system of standing board committees, the Commission work is accomplished by task forces that are created and formally charged with handling specific work in each Strategic Plan. With the concurrence of the assigned Commissioners, each task force may engage non-commission members whose expertise is needed. When a Task Force has fulfilled the charge for which it was created, it makes a final report to the commission and requests that it be disbanded.

Board Development
  • monitors the strength of core skills on the board,
  • develops and conducts orientation of commissioners,
  • ensures continuing education of members,
  • develops the annual retreat structure and content,
  • monitors and responds to board needs.
Climate Corps

Oversees development and implementation of the state-wide Maine Climate Corps, with a focus on implementation in marginalized communities. The Maine Climate Corps takes direct climate action, develops and trains the members who serve, and engages the community through volunteerism.

  • is responsible for helping the Commission communicate with the public 
  • accomplishes relevant objectives in the strategic plan.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

The Task Force mission is to identify various means by which Volunteer Maine may thread DEI principles and consciousness through the work of the Commission and that of its staff.  As examples among an array of initiatives, this may entail:  ongoing training sessions; efforts to broaden representation of the people of Maine on the Commission; and actions to ensure DEI considerations are in the foreground of the endeavors of our task forces, and the Commission's overall work to build a stronger Maine through volunteerism.

TheTask Force embraces the need for accountability, at every level in the organization, so as to commit earnestly and on an ongoing basis to diversity, equity, and inclusion of historically underrepresented perspectives, populations, and communities in the breadth of the work undertaken by Volunteer Maine.

Executive Committee
  • reviews and makes recommendations on legal, policy and management issues to staff and the full commission.
  • acts on behalf of MCCS on issues that arise between meetings or outside the scope of existing task forces.
  • under the leadership of the Vice-Chair, coordinates all orientation and on-going training for MCCS commissioners.
  • accomplish objectives in the strategic plan related to Board development.
  • oversees implementation of strategic plan
  • develops board meeting agendas and coordinates the work of all task forces.
Excellence and Expertise
  • develops accessible, consistent training and technical assistance to support high-quality volunteer program operations by organizations;
  • ensures sustained availability of appropriate technology to coordinate and grow volunteer service, particularly during emergencies/disasters;
  • develops and coordinates a comprehensive (novice to expert) system of professional development for volunteer program staff and leaders;
  • monitors and assesses new approaches to capacity building in the volunteer sector in order to provide high-quality technical assistance and training to Maine agencies;
  • identifies and responds with appropriate supports to new challenges or opportunities encountered by Maine's volunteer sector.
  • identifies key issues impacting Maine’s volunteer sector and Commission grantees that need to be monitored or researched.  
  • provides information and data on the status of Maine’s volunteer sector, civic health, and civic engagement. 
  • develops projects for assessing, researching, or explaining issues. 
  • oversees projects conducted internally or externally.
Grant Selection and Performance
  • develops policies, procedures and guidelines to link MCCS mission, vision and priorities, as articulated in the strategic plan, to grant-making functions.
  • evaluates grantee performance and incorporates findings into recommendations regarding technical assistance and future grant funding.
  • is responsible for the appointment of a peer review committee to evaluate and rank proposals.
  • makes final recommendations to the Commission on approving and submitting formula and competitive grant programs to the Corporation for National and Community Service.
  • accomplishes relevant objectives in the strategic plan.
Maine Service Fellows
  • designs the Maine Service Fellows program within the parameters of the program's purpose
  • sets the policies and procedures for program operation
  • oversees implementation 
  • supports public awareness of program
Public Policy
  • monitors government actions or plans that could impact Volunteer/community/national service.
  • develops relationships with elected officials (state and federal) that keep them up-to-date.
  • makes recommendations to the full commission on responses or comments to federal policy changes or Federal Register notices that are significant.
  • coordinates outreach by board members and provide them with the tools to deliver pertinent information.
  • keeps the board apprised of national, ASC, and state legislative developments.