Executive Committee

June 5, 2017


PRESENT: David Wihry, John Portela, Celeste Branham, Barbara Wentworth, Maryalice Crofton 

The Executive Committee regular monthly meeting convened at 3:05 pm by teleconference. 

Program Development application  
CNCS issued instructions for submitting funding request 7 days before the deadline so Executive Committee had no opportunity to review. The increased federal appropriation and language directing CNCS to send all the monies to the states prompted CNCS to increase the length of the budget period. The instructions for the next budget period cover 18 months rather than 12 which is very problematic. Maine’s increase in funding  allocation is only 32% ($29,000) while the time increase is 50%.

Staff opted to submit a budget that covers only 15 months and made it plain in the narrative that the work required cannot go beyond the 15 months.

The work plan was a continuation (year 2) so the performance objectives and activities were relatively unchanged.

Executive Committee members received the application submitted by email before this meeting so they could review it. Those present had no issue with the work plan or budget and all agreed to wait for a response from CNCS. That should come in the next 7 days.

Review Support Grant supplemental request  
When other states do not expend their full operating grant (Commission Support Grant or CSG), the funds are pooled and available as supplemental (one-time) increases to other states whose requests are accepted by CNCS. Supplemental funding is subject to the same match requirements. The funds being distributed are often from states that have legislative support/appropriations. 

The proposal submitted from Maine would bring the Planning Research Assistant position to 0.25 FTE, provide training funds for staff, and cover strategic planning expenses. The total was $18,750. Decisions are reportedly going to be made by end of July. 

Funding the AmeriCorps proposal from Eastern Maine Development Corporation 
Because of some very unusual circumstances, the Commission has the option to fund the AmeriCorps proposal submitted to and rejected by CNCS in the AmeriCorps State Competitive process. Maryalice reviewed the reasons it is possible this time, the questions asked by the Division of Purchases before they assented, and the info/timeline for acting on the option. She also reviewed options Grants Task Force will have for awarding some funds (about $5,000 each) to the continuation AmeriCorps Formula grants for recruitment. Executive Committee members present had not objections or questions about the choices that will be presented to Grant Selection TF at its June 9 meeting.

Carry forward items from May  
There was a short discussion of next steps related to the national budget. It is time for the "after hours" coalition to implement its plan for a local officials sign-on letter. Follow up with Maine's delegation needs to be done as well.

The rest of the items were not discussed in order to move on to the joint conversation with the Maine Volunteer Foundation board members at 3:30 pm.

Work plan discussion with the Maine Volunteer Foundation Board members  
Joining the Executive Committee call were MVF board members Jared McCannell, Patti Foden, and Bill Birney.

After introductions, there was a frank discussion of the impact of national budget issues on the Commission and its work. There is some feeling that this could create opportunities to engage Maine-based support through the foundation. MVF members indicated they are not clear what costs are associated with Commission priorities and need better detailed descriptions. The upcoming application for Volunteer Generation funding to support Service Enterprise is an example of a chance to make Service Enterprise participation affordable in rural counties. If MVF is able to secure part of the match and reduce the amount new organizations have to provide, it would help attract new applicants.

The MCCS chair indicated he would do a straw poll of Commissioners at the June 16 meeting regarding ongoing support for the initiatives in last year’s work plan. That information would be provided to MVF at its June 27 meeting.

Maryalice was asked to develop more detailed profiles of the items listed and provide to the Commission with the June agenda. They will also go to the MVF members.

As the discussion wrapped up, it was noted that there should be more scheduled contact between the two boards so people know each other. Ron is the liaison from the Commission to MVF and the position is very helpful but it would make conversations like these more productive if folks were acquainted.

The meeting ended at 4:16 pm.