Grant Officer: April 2024

Jamie McFaul, Grants Officer

Major projects completed:

•    Wrote brief report about how the subgrantees were monitored during the past year for the federal agency 
•    Meeting with Finance Admin to go over the process for submitting the fixed amount invoice along with the cover sheet 
•    Assisted MYA Program Director with final reimbursement in the OnCorps system 
•    Outreach to Massachusetts Service Alliance and the Ohio Commission about their planning grant contract template, RFA and timeline
•    Meeting with an interested member of the community about starting up an AmeriCorps program
•    AmeriCorps member conference planning every Wednesday
•    Grants Task Force monthly meeting 
•    Meeting with Trekkers members and their mentees to discuss the importance of service and the paths that are available to them, shared GO AmeriCorps and military experience
•    Meeting with Haystack Mountain Program Director to go through the invoicing process in OnCorps 
•    Check in with the Program Director from the Maine Re-Entry Network 
•    Submitted the assessment and performance report for Main Street Skowhegan for the GTF
•    In Minneapolis, MN for in-person 2024 National Service Training, hosted by America's Service Commissions

Items to be aware of:
•    N/A

Major focus of effort for the next month:
•    Outreach to the City of Augusta administration for Community Service to coordinate a service project for the AmeriCorps members to be held in late September
•    Start of financial and time sheet monitoring