Executive Committee

PUBLIC COMMENT: No members of the public requested an opportunity to speak.

PRESENT: Luke Shorty, Celeste Branham, Jenni Tilton-Flood, Diane Lebson, Julia VanSteenberghe, Maryalice Crofton

Chair Shorty called the meeting to order at 3:34 pm. This Executive Committee meeting will take formal votes and act on behalf of the full board as a result of a motion at the Commission meeting on September 20, 2024.

I. Urgent and timely matters from Volunteer Maine staff   
A. Search for new Climate Corps Coordinator. In light of Kirsten’s resignation effective October 18 and the critical events for Climate Corps that occur between then and December 31, the search is on for someone to fill the position on a temporary basis. The administrative steps to make the position permanent and funded, started in August but won’t be completed until July 2025. For that reason the hourly rate is set to equal the Senior Planner wage plus the value of benefits. Temp staffing agencies do not offer health insurance or other benefits. Maryalice is in contact with two interested parties but neither are likely to take it. One person has no environmental science knowledge and the other person currently has a job that pays almost double what Commission staff make.

B. Board retreat evaluation. Maryalice was asked to develop a retreat evaluation and distribute to participants by Monday.

C. Resolution of AmeriCorps grantee findings from IG investigation. The case has been resolved and closed. Since the grantee had reported match at a level that was beyond the requirements, they were directed to reduce the match to the required level rather than pay any disallowance.

D. Commission operating financial reports. These were provided to Exec members yesterday. (LINK HERE) It’s the first time in more than a year that reliable financial data could be obtained from GGSC. The new accountant in GGSC has found the last of the unpaid invoices (March 2023) and is processing things in a timely manner. Reports should be available monthly.

II. General updates and planning 
A. Action on Planning Grants. Bill Guindon is unable to attend due to illness. Luke will read motions for consideration.

Recommend that the Black Owned Maine planning grant be funded for 10 months with up to $60,000 with the stipulation that the funding request be corrected to the allowable amount and other corrections can be negotiated. MOVED by Branham to fund as recommended by the Grant task force. Second by Tilton-Flood. 

Discussion. Jenni reported that two Commissioners reached out to discuss this application. One is in favor. The second had reservations based on the narrative and missing information. Celeste affirmed the concerns which included the lack of financial data or a budget. Upon further discussion it was found that the Grant Officer didn’t include the budget in material shared with the board. Maryalice was able to pull up the budget and let Exec Committee members review it. Another point of concern is the status and financial capacity of the proposed fiscal agent, Food for All. Clarifications the Grant task force had were not shared with the full board, only the narrative portion of the proposal. Food for All was checked using publicly available databases that provided confirmation of nonprofit status, the last 990, Maine registration status, and standing in the federal system of award management (SAM). The registration in SAM is current and there are no debarments. It is a micro-nonprofit that files an easy 990. Before the proposal can be submitted to CNCS to claim the funds, Food for All needs to submit the Financial Management Survey which covers accounting system, internal controls, financial and HR policies, etc. A third point of discussion was where the nonprofits that will benefit are located. Pam pointed out those decisions are part of the planning process.

Maryalice pointed out that these grants are to design a program. There is a 10-month schedule of training and tasks laid out in the Request for Applications. By submitting proposals, the applicants agree to keep that schedule and work out the details being discussed.

Luke called the question. A roll call vote is required. Voting in favor: Proulx-Curry, Lebson, Branham, Tilton-Flood.  Opposed: None. Abstention: VanSteenberghe. Motion to fund passed.

APPLICANT: Democracy Maine
Recommended that the Democracy Maine planning grant be funded for 10 months with up to $60,000, with the stipulation that the funding request be corrected to the allowable amount and other corrections can be negotiated.

MOVED by Proulx-Curry to fund as recommended by the Grant task force. Second by Lebson.

Discussion. Jenni reported that two Commissioners reached out to discuss this application. One is in favor. The second had concerns. Comments from those present aligned with the concerns. Again, the absent budget questions were solved by sharing the budget submitted. Funding is going to cover staff who will participate in the planning process. However, questions about how rural areas would be engaged by a program based in Portland were not answered. A second concern related to the peer interns and whether they would be recruited from the local area or “sent in” from the agency’s current locations. There was agreement that, even though these concerns may be ironed out in the planning process, any future application for an operating grant should look back at planning grant concerns to see if they are addressed.

Vote on the motion (by roll call). In favor: Branham, Proulx-Curry, Tilton-Flood, VanSteenberghe. Opposed: None. Abstain: None. Motion passed.

APPLICANT: Hospice Volunteers of Somerset County
Recommend that the Hospice Volunteers of Somerset County planning grant be funded for 10 months for up to $60,000.

MOVED by Branham to fund as recommended by the Grant task force. Second by Proulx-Curry.

Discussion. There were no concerns about this proposal. It was noted that there are no corrections listed in the Grant task force report which is impressive.

Vote on the motion (by roll call). In favor: Branham, Proulx-Curry, Tilton-Flood, VanSteenberghe. Opposed: None. Abstain: None. Motion passed.

Luke noted that the hour set for the meeting had passed and asked if members could stay additional time to handle the rest of the discussion items. All but Julia indicated they were able to continue. Before leaving, Julia reported on a service opportunity she had as a result of connecting with Kristan Cilente Skendall (Center for Expanding Leadership & Opportunity) at Maine’s volunteer leadership conference. Kristan invited Julia to participate in a national youth leadership conference as a mentor to a group of young people attending. The conference was in Chicago and Julia noted she learned more from the young people than other way around. 

B. Retreat follow up process for updating values/convictions. Maryalice was asked to compile notes. Some set of Exec members will review group responses, edit, and propose to Exec any updates in November.

C. Service Program Task Force chair appointment. There was a short discussion and a board member identified. Luke will contact the individual to discuss and make official appointment.

D. Budget impact of State of Maine and employees union settlement. The $2,000 payment on Oct 1 to classified employees will come out of program grants. In the next legislature, DAFS will ask for one-time permission to use General Funds for federal account expense and grants would be reimbursed. If the legislature approves, reimbursement would be late spring or early summer (before state fiscal year end). Immediate impact for Commission is $8,000. Luke asked about the budget impact and Maryalice indicated the funds are there but it will be tight. Luke mused that the Finance Committee may need to be resurrected. He will report back at the next Exec meeting on his decision.

E. Assignment of new Commissioners to task forces. The current assignments are in the Commissioner Reference Collection as part of the contact info document. Since it needs updating, Maryalice was asked to compile something that just showed serving Commissioners (new and continuing) and their assignments. There was discussion about appointments of new people and a few continuing people who somehow didn’t get onto a task force. A suggestion was made that members on task forces that are more advisory could be asked to serve on one with a heavier load. Chairs were reminded that members of the public can also be recruited to serve. Maryalice will list the current public members on the same task force assignment chart and send it out by Monday.

F. Schedule for New Commissioner orientation (takes 5 months). Pam and Bill will be asked to facilitate discussions again. The hour before the Commission meeting will be set aside for the discussions. The sessions are recorded and posted under the Commissioner Reference Collection board for orientation. Luke would like to start orientation in October so it is complete by February when things really start to pop.
III. Volunteer Maine Commission Meeting and Agenda review
There is only one action item for the agenda and it is a hold over item -- affirm/accept work plan with Maine Volunteer Foundation. Executive Committee members agreed to forego the October meeting and concentrate on November and December (grant votes).

There being no other discussion or action items, the meeting was adjourned at 5:02 pm.