Excellence and Expertise Task Force

January 7, 2016


Present: Lisa Laflin, Gordon Liu, Meaghan Arzberger, Janice Daku, Maryalice Crofton

The session convened at 8:30 am by teleconference.

Integrating new members.  
There will be a significant number of new task force members because of choices newly appointed Commissioners have made. This group needs to organize a way to orient the new members. Maryalice was asked to develop an outline and suggest assignments. It was also suggested that the task force plan one face-to-face meeting this quarter so members can make personal connections. Not all task force members serve on the Commission.

Service Enterprise update.  
Lisa reported that the municipal model project grant from Lerner has been extended through the end of April. A decision has been made to include nonprofits in the Service Enterprise training rather than conduct one for just municipalities and one for nonprofits. Two towns have committed and one of them may bring in its neighbor because they work so closely together.

Meaghan reported on the Maine Service Enterprise Network of Trainers. All but one of the teams is planning to do the cohort training before June. The one holding off until fall is doing so because it is going through the training under another team. The goal is to be a Service Enterprise before offering the program to others. Trainers continue to meet once a month and there is a very useful discussion of how the vocabulary for Service Enterprise does or does not resonate with various parts of the nonprofit sector.

Professional Development Fund.  
Maryalice gave the group a heads up that the fund will be able to make a few awards this year. This task force is responsible for outreach, reviewing requests, and holding recipients accountable. Task Force members asked for text that could be used for promotion.

There being no other discussion items, the meeting ended at 9 am. The next E&E task force meeting will be February 4, 2016 at 8:30 am.