Excellence and Expertise -February 2018

February 7, 2018


Commissioners Present:   Janice Daku, Elizabeth Hite, Joe Young

Other members Present:  Lisa Laflin

Absent:   Nichole Ernest, Melik Khoury, Nicole Pellenz, Coleman Lapointe

Staff: Michael Ashmore




Need for Statewide Baseline Volunteerism Data - CNCS no longer funding

  • MA shared that CNCS has discontinued funding for the Volunteering in America data collection that it has supported for decades.  The collection of data has been used by the Commission and other organizations around the country as baseline data for city and state level volunteerism rates, included subgroups by age bracket, retention rates, total numbers reporting volunteer activities, hours volunteered, and in which fields individuals volunteer.  The last report was produced in 2015.  MA noted that the information has been useful in the strategic planning process for setting baseline numbers and targets for growth.
  • In the absence of this data, E&E members were asked what sources of data could be used in the strategic planning process.  JD noted that many organizations collect data on their own volunteer usage independently, giving the example of CAP agencies collecting hour and retention data, as well as United Ways.  JY described the challenge of collecting separate data pools and making them work, suggesting a clearinghouse approach.  Other members noted that schools, hospitals and many nonprofits and government agencies have some volunteerism data.  LL asked what would get networks like the United Ways (who do aggregate data in their own network) to report, even if a system for collection was constructed.  Return on investment of time for reporting would allow, potentially, for clarity on how volunteers impact the community, demonstration of impact to leverage additional volunteers, data could support & describe the inherent benefits of volunteerism.  Another suggestion was to research how community events or other activities represent economic activity or benefit.
  • In terms of strategic planning sessions, the need is for benchmarks.  The panning process will need to establish what these benchmarks are.  LL noted that USM’s Data Innovation Project might be a resource that would help design a data collection strategy

Service Enterprise trainer MOU & Position Description 

  • The group discussed the Points of Light versions of a Trainer MOU and Trainer Position Description to modify for use by MCCS and, potentially, the other certified Service Enterprise Affiliate Hubs in the state.  MCCS needs both a PD and MOU for use when it engages third party trainers for SE.  Group felt that MCCS does not need to require use of these documents by Affiliate Hubs, as the MOU with them already requires that they are consistent with requirements imposed by Points of Light, but may make use of them as models if Hubs use third party trainers. LL noted that all guidance in this regard is welcomed by affiliates. Consensus of attendees was that the Position Description was adequate and should be separated from the MOU.  Group felt that the MOU needed major revisions, especially in the area of risk management.  PD should be referenced in the MOU and added as an attachment. Further feedback included need to require training of at least one cohort per year to keep skills fresh and to fold in outreach activities.

Training Updates

  • Member Conference – MA provided information about the upcoming member conference at the end of March
  • ASC/Mott Initiative – Commission has received a small grant to support collection of information on needs in the after-school service arena leading to support for applications to National Service programs, including but not limited to future AmeriCorps competitions.
  • Portland Serv. Enterprise Cohort – MA reported on the progress of the current Service Enterprise cohort in greater Portland.  Participants are Maine Audubon, Girl Scouts of Maine and Southern Maine Agency on Aging
  • Blaine House Planning – MA also noted that Blaine House planning was nearing and that E & E will need to establish a liaison or to participate directly on the planning team
  • Other key dates noted - April 6th Commission Strategic Planning; E & E members need to register; National Service Day in the Hall of Flags, 2-27, E & E members are invited to participate

PIE updates

  • None at this time, other than the note about participation in National Service Day