Grant Selection and Performance Task Force Minutes 11-10-16

November 10, 2016


Grant Selection and Performance Task Force Minutes 11-10-16

Present: Ed Barrett, Robert Liscord, Nicole Pellenz, Carol Rancourt, David Wihry, Joe Young

Staff: Pelin Fitzpatrick

Guests: Sandra Goss, Joely Ross

Minutes: 52

Meeting convened at 10:00 AM


  • MCCS’s response to CNCS Compliance Site Visit Feedback

 PF explained that MCCS disagreed with all of the items on the compliance report and worked with programs to provide evidence to support their case. She also added that MCCS would not respond with corrective actions until all the additional information provided is reviewed and that MCCS is waiting to hear back from CNCS. There was a specific follow-up question on LearningWorks compliance issue. PF explained that MCCS worked with the program to make a case on why and how the ‘problematic’ member activities were in fact perfectly acceptable and tied to the daily summer activities of the program and overall School Turnaround Program objectives.

  • Update on GPRs

 Since there was no time to get into detail for each program, PF explained general trends in the GPRs. Recruitment continues to be the biggest issue. The Commission asked if this was a local or a nationwide issue. PF explained that it was not a Maine specific issue and during the CNCS meeting in D.C, the Commissions had a brainstorming session on how to address this ongoing issue. It was discussed that marketing and public outreach efforts should help with much needed increased brand-awareness and recognition. PF explained that CNCS approved MCCS’s request for additional formula funds to be used for this purpose and other state commissions are interested in doing the same.

  1. Discussion of MCD Recruitment Plan and Take 2 Recruitment, Retention and Volunteer Community Outreach Plans

PF informed the commission on how many members MCD and TAKE 2 have as of 11/9/16.

MCD: The program continues to experience challenges in reaching recruitment goals. The program successfully enrolled four members (2 full time, 1 half time and 1 quarter time).

PF explained that MCD’s current issues are local lack of awareness/ brand recognition of AmeriCorps, rural nature of the program, how geographical expansion of host-sites needed and the restriction of allowing AmeriCorps members to gift their education awards to a child or grandchild only if he/she is aged 55+. Age restriction is a major barrier to a potentially ideal group of participants as there are much younger parents who would have been interested in becoming a member if they could transfer the gift award to their children.

TAKE 2: Take 2 has enrolled one full-time Mentor and six 450 hour part-time mentees. A part-time mentee has exited due to securing employment before attaining 15% of his hours. Currently there are nine Mentor applications in process, many of whom are not available until the new year.  They also have 6 applications for the part-time Mentee positions that are in the process of completing applications and securing the necessary documentation.

The Commission discussed what can be done to help programs with their recruitment challenges. MC explained how grant funds are used to help with issues such as housing and mileage and that the current rates can be supplemented by grantee match by the program as deemed necessary.

  1. Approval of Peer Reviewers

All three peer reviewer applications were approved by GTF.

  1. Request to change meeting time

A request was made to reschedule the meeting time to either earlier in the day or the end of the day. PF will send a link to a doodle poll to find the best time that works for all commissioners.

  1. Meeting reminder email

All commissioners confirmed that they are receiving the meeting reminder emails.

  1. New Chair for the Committee

David Whiry mentioned that he has been increasingly unable to attend the full board meetings and suggested that it might be better to have a chair who is there more regularly. The Commission decided that David Whiry will continue to be the Chair, however there will be a Vice-Chair to fill in for him whenever he is not available. The new Vice-Chair is Ed Barrett.

  1. MCCS Annual Retreat GTF Notes:

PF could not attend the MCCS Annual Retreat and she needed to make sure that there are no time-sensitive issues that she needs to be aware of and she asked the Committee members to bring her up-to-date. It was decided that this will be done in the next GTF meeting as more time is needed to discuss the GTF goals and strategies in more detail. The Commission mentioned that they would like to be updated quarterly on volunteer and member recruitment and impact data.

Meeting adjourned at 10:52 am