Executive Committee

July 6, 2015


Present: David Wihry, Ron Holmes, Mark Hews, Joel Russ, John Portela, Maryalice Crofton

Executive Committee convened by teleconference at 3pm.

Federal Appropriations.
As this progressed it has become as serious as the 2003 suspension of AmeriCorps. Members discussed how to contribute to ASC efforts to educate. Several Exec members have ties to senior policy people and have been reaching out with information.

John will track down contact for the newest Maine MOC so we can set up meeting like those we did in 2014 for him. Bangor is probably the best venue.

Set up of public support organization
Joel Russ is helping do research and organize documents needed. He had some key questions for Executive Committee members. He also had an outline of the steps in the process and cost which had been sent to Exec Committee beforehand. He walked everyone through it and took questions. The members then discussed the basic questions he posed. First thoughts for organization name were to use Volunteer Maine but there could be confusion with the MCCS product (VolunteerMaine website). The members opted to use Maine Volunteer Foundation. Second issue was which type of nonprofit (501-c-3), and third was who would be incorporators. The incorporators can be former Commissioners but not currently serving people. A set of people identified by the group will be polled regarding their interest. Incorporators will be finalized at August Exec meeting. 

Commission operating supplemental.
The operating grant from CNCS received a supplemental allocation of $15,000 (about half the request). It will be used to support the intern and move the business website inside the Maine government environment.

Ron has been contacting Boards and Commissions on a schedule to ask about progress.

The meeting concluded at 3:45 pm.