Executive Committee

November 7, 2016


Present: Celeste Branham, John Portela, David Wihry, Ron Holmes, Maryalice Crofton 

Board Retreat Notes and Next Steps  
This discussion expanded to include a number of items related to Commission membership and operation. The retreat notes were reviewed. It was noted that Excellence and Expertise Task Force has already started work on some of the items they identified as next steps. Executive Committee members asked Maryalice to distribute the notes to all Commissioners with a request to suggest edits where current notes do not clearly convey the point. In some cases it may be necessary to add detail so a brief phrase is fully understood. 

Commissioners who did not attend the retreat will be asked to identify the skills/expertise they can bring to bear on the work. Those responses will be added to page 2 of the retreat notes. 

In reviewing next steps, it was noted that “rebranding” MCCS was mentioned at several points during the retreat. Rather than ask PIE to add it to their tasks, Exec decided to have a full discussion at the January commission meeting, form an ad hoc committee to explore all the implications and options, and have the ad hoc committee report to the full Commission no later than three months later (April). It was suggested that the ad hoc committee invite some of the potential appointees to join the work. There are at least three with very strong skills related to branding and marketing. 

John noted that the teambuilding dinner was an important part of the retreat. With so many new people, it provided time outside of a public business agenda for Commissioners to better connect. This increases participation in discussions and work of the Commission. He would like to have a similar opportunity in about six months. It was noted that the April commission meeting will be at the start of National Volunteer Recognition week and could also be used as a chance to reinstate the Commission’s recognition of National Service program staff. Adding lunch to the April meeting would give Commissioners a chance to connect with each other and the programs. John will propose this to the Commission for informal feedback. 

Coming out of the retreat, two Commissioners requested changes in Task Force assignments. After discussion, John asked that Ross Cunningham serve only on PIE and Libby Hite move from PIE to Excellence and Expertise. Maryalice will change the lists to reflect these updates. The November HQ notice will include a “last call” for reassignment. 

Another detail from the retreat will help members and the public be more mindful of volunteer sector representation. Staff already altered the web listing of Commissioners to indicate which segment of the volunteer sector each represents. The same change will be done for nameplates used at the Commission meetings. 

November business agenda  
The briefing on conducting business as a public board was moved from the retreat to this meeting. The change was related to availability of the AAG, Sarah Forster, who does the training. Exec asked Maryalice to contact Sarah and reschedule for January in the hopes the new appointments will be complete by then. 

A briefing by the contractors helping identify AmeriCorps opportunities to support prevention and recovery efforts related to prescription drug abuse and opiod addiction is also scheduled for this meeting. It will be early in the agenda. 

2017 Budget for Commission Support Grant  
The Commission Support Grant is the funding for the office operations. CNCS issued instructions on submitting the application for 2017 a few days (10/17) before the Commission retreat (10/20) and the due date (11/14) is prior to the next full business meeting (11/18). This means Exec needs to review and authorized the proposed budget for 2017. The draft was distributed to Exec members on 11/4. Changes from 2016 to the proposed were discussed. Maryalice clarified that supplemental support funds are not awarded until July. 

Moved by Holmes to authorize submission of the 2017 Commission Support Grant based on the budget presented. Second by Wihry. Vote on the motion: unanimous in favor. 

Proposed MOA between United Ways of Maine and MCCS regarding Commission use of Get Connected  
In 2016, the management and licensing of the volunteer recruitment/management platform tied to VolunteerMaine.org changed. The United Ways of Maine are now the licensee and MCCS is not part of the ongoing management. However, MCCS does need access to the Disaster Response Module of the platform in order to fulfill its responsibilities for volunteer management during natural disasters/emergencies. The United Ways of Maine propose a Memorandum of Agreement to govern that access. MCCS will be responsible for payment of the $1,000 license starting next year. The United Ways paid the first year. 

As Exec members reviewed the agreement, it was noted that the limits on MCCS accessing site data were addressed. While the agreement would require MCCS to notify the United Ways of a data pull there was no stipulation that the United Ways would acknowledge the notification. It was felt that should happen as protection for both parties. Maryalice will suggest the addition. 

The MOA will be added to the November MCCS business agenda for action. Exec members would like to enter into a two year agreement even though the current language calls for annual review. 

ASC proposed federal statute changes for reauthorization.  
Ron indicated he was not able to be on the national committee call. He will forward the documents as they emerge from ASC public policy. 

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 4:11 pm.