PRESENT: Susan Hawthorne (chair), Pam Proulx-Curry
Staff: M. Ashmore, K. Preecs
The meeting opened at 1:30 pm by teleconference
1. Welcome & Introductions- SUE
- Introductions
- Meetings
- Date & time – Group discussed meeting time and made the determination to keep meetings on the first Wednesday of the month at 1:30pm. It was noted that the postponement of the two recent meetings has impacted the ability of members to participate
- What do we hope to accomplish? Group discussed purpose: ”Provide meaningful feedback to staff and help shape and address training issues, including program training and TA, technology supports, and volunteer manager and agency training”.
2. Professional Development Fund
- Review of applications
- Application one (1) – consensus: we will contact to clarify but we want to support as needed. KP will contact
- Application two (2) – applicant is a commissioner and therefor has a COI. However, the Commission has a budget to support Commissioner learning and the application will be forwarded to the ED for consideration.
- Adjustments to Application process
- The group discussed a variety of ways to increase participation and simplify the application process.
- 1. Change the requirement for a supervisor approved professional development plan. Make this less formal, indicate that it is part of the individual’s professional growth.
- 2. Make it easier for superviors to support the application. Create to a form that can be used by supervisors to quickly confirm two key elements – confirmation of the individual’s role meets the fund requirements and that the agency will support their portion of the funding
- 3. Add a clarification option to the application for those working in small agencies without defined supervisors or in a role where they are the supervisor
- 4. Add the NYLC “Service-Learning Standards for Quality Practice” link to the new option for S-L practitioners and add a link to the Program Director Competencies for applicants who are national service program staff
- 5. Expand stated eligibility criteria to include S-L practitioners
- The group also discussed the merits the two year experience criterion and opted to keep it as is
- MA will work the BR to add updates to the website for review at the next meeting
3. Competency Self-assessment
- The PD Fund discussion led to a conversation about the desire for there to be a way for individuals to self-assess against the Volunteer Management Competencies and the Program Director Competencies. Learning what you don’t already know and helping individuals to track learning against the competencies.
- A recommendation was made to create a web-based form for self-assessment for both competencies based on the rubrics built into them
- MA noted that a program like survey monkey can be set to generate a “score” or a profile for individuals using the tool. He would look at the possibilities and set up a test.
4. Governor’s Service Awards
- KP offered a status report on GSA
- She noted that she is looking for reviewers. Group recommended reaching out to Commissioners via the Hub prior to the next board meeting
- She has received 18 nominations, most arefor volunteer of the year but there are some in other categories as well
- Planning is to host the event remotely this spring, potentially increase the availability of the Governor to present the awards
5. Maine Volunteer Leadership Conference (October)
- KP offered a status report on MVLC planning
- Sponsorship Flyer updated
- There has been a change to highest level of sponsorship request (3 instead of 5K)
- On the recommendation of committee member PPC, KP has approached TJ Holloway (Holloway Group) as keynote
- Group discussed possible sponsors and will check to determine the sponsor of the member conference this spring
- Also discussed was the functionality of the ASC conference platform and how it interacted with ZOOM. PPC noted that the zoom webinar function has a strong suite of tools. KP noted that she is working to make sure that there are options for presentation formats and encourage more interactive sessions
- The group noted especially that they liked the “stages” function at the ASC conference.
6. Service Enterprise Update
- MA & KP updated the group on the upcoming SE cohort
- Cohort established – MOU’s out
- Timing: SEDs in summer and training in Sept/Oct
The meeting ended at 2:53 pm