PIE-Public Policy Task Force Meeting Minutes, January 2015

January 9, 2015


PIE-Public Policy Task Force Meeting Minutes

January 8, 2015 (moved from Jan 6, 2015)

Present:           Susan Lavigne, John Portela,

Absent:           Richard Higgins, Mary-Anne LaMarre, Camille Cramer, Lindsay Oliver

Staff:               Michael Ashmore

Guests:            Heather Weste, Ethen Schechter

Items on the agenda:

    Private Support Agency Non-profit Legislation -Progress report

    The proposed legislation was discussed by the Task Force and the current status was reviewed:

    Governor's office forwarded bill, and Tom Saviello also submitted a title.  Sen. Saviello was asked to remove his version after this was suggested by the Revisor's Office.  Bill has been assigned an LR number (LR#490)

    Bill currently in Revisor's Office being reviewed.  Next step in process is to for bill to be checked by legal staff and then returned to agency for final review.

    Bill may be returned to the Governor's Office instead of MCCS since it was the Governor's Office that forwarded.  MA contacted Lance Libby. Legislative Policy Coordinator for the GOv., to ask that the draft be forwarded to MCCS when it is available.

    Next steps: Need to ask legislator(s) - from State & Local to sponsor the bill, Committee assignments have now been made. 

    Target legislators are:

      • State & Local Committee Chairs: Sen. Michael Willette (R ) of Presque Isle and  Rep. Roland Martin (D) of Sinclair

      • Also planning to ask Rep. Jeffrey Evangelos (U) of Firendship

      • Currently onboard are

        • Rep. Andrew Mclean (D)

        • Rep.Matthew Pouliot (R )

        • Sen. Roger Katz (R )

        • Sen. Thomas Saviello (R )

      JP has also asked the Speaker of the House to sign on

      Still important to communicate that there is no fiscal note.

        Legislative Awareness plans

        No Hall of Flags Date was available so MA has been working on an alternate plan,: 

        The current plan is to host a Legislative breakfast in the back room of the Cross Office Building Cafeteria.  Room has been reserved for March 10th, 2015.   This is the Tuesday of AmeriCorps Week, but Senior Corps programs will be participating

        MCCS is on the waiting list if a Hall of Flags date becomes available. Staff is still working on getting on the revolving agenda for the Hall of Flags, so that we don't continue to struggle for a date each year.

            CNCS released its 2015 Outreach and Engagement Plan. 

              The plan includes a number of key dates and initiatives and overall guidance for programs and Commissions (the Plan can be found at: http://www.nationalservice.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2015-CNCS-Public-Engagement-and-Outreach-Plan_1.pdf )

              The final page includes a calendar of themes for months throughout 2015. The plan was developed in response to feedback concerning the monthly themes developed for the 20th anniversary and the national swearing-in ceremony that took place in September.

              It is important to note that among the key dates is a national swearing-in October of 2015.

              SL noted that Senior Corps is largely left out of the monthly themes while AmeriCorps continues to be emphasized

                Governor's Service Awards Update:

                Nomination papers are out. Date of event is April 21st.  Sponsorships still needed for postage and outreach.   JP still planning on meeting with new person at Bath Ironworks to see if the printing will be covered this year.