April 12, 2016
Present: Elizabeth Hite, Laura Hudson, John Portela
Absent: Ed Barrett, Kevin Bois, Ross Cunningham, Janice Daku, Mandela Gardner, Lori Parham
Staff: Michael: Ashmore
Commission Media outreach plan
Current and prior Key Message Document updates
- Members engaged in a discussion clarifying the purpose of the Key Message Wheel. It is intended to provide support for the Key Message, the “elevator speech,” by offering concrete examples of the activities generally described in the Key Message itself. It would be used internally to provide that support to Commissioners and staff as they communicate externally with the public, media and policy makers.
- The members present spent the majority of the meeting offering revisions to the current version of the key message. Particular changes included removal of the service-learning emphasis and the example items related to the implementation of the Volunteer Generation Fund grant. Both of these changes follow the loss of funding in these areas.
- Additions included examples of the Service Enterprise Initiative and volunteer recognition activities that have been ongoing, but were not included in prior versions of the document. Changes were also made to more completely represent the use of the VolunteerMaine.org, to update the amount of grant funding and to note the Commission’s work in encouraging lifelong service.
The resulting document can be reviewed here: Key Message
Past Media outreach plans
- Members briefly re-reviewed the content of past media outreach plans and JP & LH made plans to meet prior to the next PIE meeting to flesh out a draft plan for review by the Task Force
Event summaries
- The group briefly reviewed the Commissioner feedback on the Commission event summaries and will present a recommendation on the relative level of effort at the May Commission meeting
The remaining items on the agenda were tabled for the next meeting