Program Development & Training Officer: May 2024

Major projects completed

  • Hosted the AmeriCorps Member Conference [postponed from April] including oversight of Media outreach, alumni panel participation, scheduling of visit by Director of AmeriCorps, and participation of Congressional staffers, as well as registration, presenter preparation and final registration info to participants. Worked with all VM staff and conference planning team to coordinate day-of activities.
  • Supported office prep for Governor’s Service Award and provided coordination, set-up, and staffing at the event in Waterville.
  • Organized corrections needed for White Pines AmeriCorps formula application prior to federal submission deadline and initiated conversations about new grantee training schedule.
  • Successfully worked to re-establish Penobscot Nation AmeriCorps program with the return of the program coordinator from a military service obligation that interrupted the program earlier this year. Coordinated the submission of re-compete application to ensure availability of federal funding going into next year.
  • Hosted a number of planning sessions related to the Maine Volunteer Leadership Conference to coordinate the program and registration with representatives of the Depat of Education. Also worked with E&E Commission staff to collect presenter information. Also created initial ‘Save The Date’ memos that went out to all members of the Maine Volunteer Managers’ Network.
  • Presented on Volunteer Maine structure, mission and opportunities for grants and training at the Maine VOAD quarterly meeting.
  • Staffed a vendor table at the Maine Prepares MEMA conference at the Augusta Civic Center, including evening networking hours and day-of conference tabling.
  • Participated in three Financial Management trainings on changes to the OMB Uniform Guidance in 2CFR and on the management of federal funds.
  • Created materials and created work orders needed for arrival of M. Whelan, the summer intern who will be updating the Volunteer Manager Certificate course. 
  • Continued outreach to agencies in greater Lewiston and Bangor to develop and fund a city-based Corps program. 
  • Hosted monthly AmeriCorps Technical Assistance and AC Planning Grant training meetings.

Issues to be aware of

  • Maine Conservation Corps will need to submit a competitive application in the Autumn following the Commission decision to provide a single year of formula funding after their most recent re-compete was unsuccessful.  The significant number of other programs that lost funding means the competition in the forthcoming round will be significantly more challenging.  Support for MCC’s application prep is planned work for the training officer ahead of the competition
  • Because only one new applicant was funded this year, new grantee training sessions will be in-person at the grantee site.  However, the August Technical Assistance meeting will be in-person [including a Commission provided luncheon] on August 1st. All Commissioners are welcome to participate in the luncheon on that date. 
  • A summer/fall cohort for Service Enterprise training will start with Orientation in June, opportunity to complete the required diagnostic over the summer, followed by a 7-part training series in September and October.
  • The University of Maine hosted micro-credentialling course is complete and open for students to complete all three modules, leading to a UMaine Microcredential badge.

Major focus of effort in the new month

  • Revise Service Enterprise materials based on new content and ALIVE branding after significant revision of materials and transition from Points of Light management. Big in hosting cohort and set up Diagnostic Access.
  • Continue to support remaining AmeriCorps Planning Grantees and develop No Cost Extensions for them, as requested, to extend their use of planning funds for up to 2 months. Work with planning grantees ahead of summer formula opportunity to formulate fundable applications.
  • Present at Maine Bar Association Summer conference.
  • Work with Course Intern to develop volunteer management context and facilitate her work on CMV course revision.
  • Open registration for Volunteer leadership Conference in coordination with MDOE, communicate with potential attendees, and coordinate sponsorship outreach.
  • Updating tools and links in all Grant Management writeboards in the Group Hub ahead of new grantee training.
  • Prepare updated funding contract templates for AmeriCorps grantees.

Other activity

  • Staffed E & E Task Force meeting.
  • Hosted Maine Volunteer Managers’ Network Meeting and established Discussion Group Guidelines for those MVMN members who participle in the online forum
  • Ongoing AmeriCorps Assistance to existing grantees via email, teleconference & face to face.
  • Procurement system management and initial entry of financial documents in state purchasing system, including delivery orders, and contracts, as well as providing procurement card services for the office.