Program Development & Training Officer: August 2024

Major projects completed -- 

  • Hosted, with all staff, the Maine Volunteer Leadership Conference at the Augusta Civic Center and collected follow-up feedback from attendees
  • Planned and executed the remaining three trainings for new grantee. August trainings included understanding Human Resource requirements, Branding & Gear, and Member Supervision. A training on financial management of Fixed Awards was also held. 
  • Supported the onboarding of the new PIO officer (who started one day prior to the MVLC conference!)
  • Finalized the work of the CMV course intern and set up a plan to complete the remaining work necessary to open the course for the fall training
  • Worked with the Grants Officer to revise and amend RFA’s opened at the end of the month
  • Planned the semi-annual Site Supervisor Training intended for all site supervisors participating with funded programs, and also open to all other operating AmeriCorps programs in the state. 
  • Began updates to the Grant Operations writeboard set in the Group Hub, with all new guidance and associated resources and templates.  This included updating all time-specific items (eg. AC terms & conditions, annual living allowance, ed award, and health care info), updating existing templates. A list of the topics covered by the various writeboards is available for review.
  • Did significant outreach to a wide variety of agencies in advance of release of three RFA's this fall, AC Planning, AC Rural Operational, and the forthcoming Competitive application
  • Provided individualized support to potential grant applicants planning to submit to the fall formula competition.

Issues to be aware of --

  • It does not appear that two of the planning grantees expected to submit applications to the fall 2024 formula operating competition will do so.  Haystack reports a lack of capacity due to their intensive summer programming and ME re-entry Network has not responded to offers of support.
  • The process of updating the Federal Financial Report required in the closeout of the Axiom OIG investigation has been challenging.  The FFR was closed in 2022 and is not available for editing.  The federal agency does not appear to have anticipated this, and we have requested action to make it available for editing.  This has delayed final completion of the required actions.
  • We are engaging with MEMA and Galaxy Digital in consideration of replacing Maine Ready disaster platform with one that can also operate in “blue-skies” circumstances.
  • The Federal NOFA for the upcoming competitive grant cycle has been released with some significant changes to the narrative structure – this will impact new applicants and, significantly, the Maine Conservation Corps’ AmeriCorps program.  
  • Maine Conservation Corps has been receptive to support and guidance leading up to a fall competitive application submission.  MCC was not funded in the 2023/24 competition and was supported with bridge funding for 1 year only.  They must compete successfully this fall to continue as an AmeriCorps program in 2026.

Major focus of effort in the new month --

  • White Pines grant startup support.
  • AmeriCorps Symposium participation in Washington DC.
  • Start of Service Enterprise training cycle, including updating all material and branding for the 7 sessions (2 in September)
  • Wrap up CMV beta testing so it can be opened for Fall session. 
  • Completion of Maine Formula Competitive RFA so that it can be opened in early October
  • Support/training for new Financial support staff person
  • Scheduling and communication of the 2024-25 grant year calendar, including meeting schedules and key events and observances.
  • Support for applicant review process (as needed)

Other activity --

  • Ongoing AmeriCorps Technical Assistance to existing grantees via email, teleconference & face to face. Hosting of Monthly AmeriCorps Technical Assistance meeting
  • Hosting Maine Volunteer Manangers’ Network meetings
  • Staffing Excellence & Expertise Task Force.
  • Financial Management systems temporary lead, including procurement system management as well as initial entry of financial documents in state purchasing system, including purchase orders, bids, and contracts.