Maine Service Fellows Coordinator: October 2022

Major projects completed
•    Attended Maine Municipal Association Conference to recruit towns for Service Fellows 
•    Orientated to Volunteer Maine- systems, processes and culture.
•    Developed workplan goals for coming year. 
•    Attended staff meetings.
•    Attended Commission meeting.
•    Traveled to Hancock and Washington Counties to meet with community groups and learn about their needs. 
•    Received and reviewed applications from first selection cycle
•    Completed scoping meeting for MSF applicant to better understand the project needs and direct applicant into opportunities for the project.
•    Received and reviewed applications from first selection cycle
•    Completed more detailed procedure and tool for applicants to more detail their respective work plans.
Major focus of effort in the next month/continuation
•    Developing programmatic materials and procedures including supervisor and liaison role descriptions and procedures, supervisor handbook, applicant selection procedure, reporting processes and documentation, program calendar etc.
•    Identifying potential donor and grant opportunities available to both back fill remaining funding needed for a second fellow position and increase total numbers of spots on going.
•    Developing strategy around fundraising in collaboration with foundation members in order to best make the case for individual fellow opportunities as aligned with identified donors’ values, and geographic area.  
•    Networking and collaborating with other State departments in the development of current applicant work plans as appropriate to their expertise. (i.e. aviation and EMS)
•    Collaborating with current applicants to develop more detailed work plans for placed fellows reflective of SMART goal structure
•    Use above work plan to develop recruitment strategy in collaboration with applying site and community.
•     Collaborate with MSF advisory committee chair on developing future procedures and commission role in applicant selection and review.
•    Networking with current VM stakeholders (climate advisory, volunteer network and foundation members) to review current applications and make final selection.
•    Review current applicant feedback to implement changes to next cycles procedures.