Major projects completed
- Distributed Episode 3 of Volunteer 207.
- Gathered quotes for AmeriCorps/service corps advertising opportunities from publications, theatres, airports, and bus/transit services.
- Acquired and sorted missing affidavits from Maine Association of Broadcasters, uncovering an additional $79,493, which will go to the VG2 grant. Tim Moore, executive director of MAB, anticipates there will be one more packet of affidavits to sort through.
- Completed media relations efforts around Climate Corps Coordinator's interview with Energy News Network. Use the following link to access the story -- access story.
- Outreach and promotion of Maine AmeriCorps Planning Grant requests for funding applications.
- Participated in ASC AmeriCorps recruitment workgroup July call.
Issues to be aware of
The July Maine Volunteer Foundation meeting has been postponed until August 5 from 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Major focus of effort in the next month
- Development of Apprenticeship for Life campaign, specifically determining best avenues for promotion.
- Collaborating with Task Force to produce an op-ed in-line with Apprenticeship for Life concept.
- Promotion of CMV course.
- Continued digital promotion of AmeriCorps service opportunities.
- Ongoing work to update press release/news distribution lists to include updated list of commissioners, MVF Board members, and other supporters both in state government and AmeriCorps Federal agency.
- Continued research around planning outreach and recruitment visits.
- Continuing to assist Program Officer for Volunteer Sector Initiatives with content planning for Maine Volunteer Leadership Conference.
- Acting on further direction for Maine Climate Corps and Maine Service Fellows outreach initiatives.
- Staffing August MVF meeting.
- Completing assignments for SISGI course.
Prepared by Communications Officer Bryan Roche