An * (asterisk) means the program is funded by Volunteer Maine, the state commission. The other programs are operated by national or regional nonprofits that send AmeriCorps members to their Maine affiliates.
- AmeriCorps Resilience Corps*
Primary Contact: Julia Breul
Address: Greater Portland Council of Governments
970 Baxter Boulevard, Portland, ME 04103
Counties served: Cumberland and Northern York CountiesResilience Corps:
The Resilience Corps is dedicated to building planning capacity in Southern Maine at the municipal and nonprofit level towards greater community resilience. Since 2020, Resilience Corps Fellows have gained high-level ‘on the job’ experience, built their personal and professional networks, and received training, mentorship, and professional development in the planning field.
Resilience Corps Positions:
Each year, GPCOG pairs 12 Resilience Corps Fellows with local municipalities, non-profits, and regional planning organizations to add capacity to their teams. The service term aligns with the calendar year – starting in January and concluding in December. Through their service, Fellows provide education, outreach, and training to residents in Cumberland and York Counties on community vulnerabilities, resiliency solutions, and increasing volunteer recruitment and retention at Host Sites.
Service activities:
Members support their host sites via:
- Data collection, analysis, and visualization
- Mapping and storyboarding data
- Research, report writing
- Outreach, material creation, and equitable public engagement
- Communication, blogging, social media, and educational support
- Volunteer recruitment and coordination
- Project management and implementation
Fellows participate in a one-week training and orientation at the start of their service term. Throughout the term, the Fellows will meet weekly to connect, share with one another, and depending on the week, attend conferences, engage in on-going training sessions to enhance professional development, and positively influence their career trajectories. Together, the cohort will participate in various, hands-on volunteer days to further engage with and learn from local community organizations.
- FoodCorps AmeriCorps
Primary Contact: Ryan Parker
Address: 1140 SE 7th Ave, Suite 110, Portland, OR 97214;
Website: www.foodcorps.orgFoodCorps seeks to drive systemic change in how schools educate our children about food, so as to nurture a nation of healthy children and address the causes of childhood obesity. FoodCorps’ program strategy is built on two broadly held conclusions of existing research. First, that increasing fruit and vegetable consumption is a foundational step toward reducing rates of obesity and diet-related disease (United States Department of Agriculture [USDA], 2015). Second, food and nutrition education programs with multiple, mutually reinforcing components and an environment-wide purview achieve a greater impact on children’s health than single-component nutrition interventions (Seo et al., 2010). In program year 2018-2019, 12 full-time FoodCorps AmeriCorps members will each complete 1,700 hours over 11.5 months in communities across Maine. Members will serve deeply in one to two limited-resource schools implementing interventions across three evidence based program areas that get kids eating healthy: hands-on learning, healthy school meals, and schoolwide culture of health.
- Goodwill Northern New England AmeriCorps Program
Primary Contact: Jenna Rouleau
Address:190 Lancaster Street, Portland, ME 04101
Counties served: N/AGoodwill manages AmeriCorps programs that strengthen communities in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont by placing volunteers in local nonprofits, municipalities, and schools. These AmeriCorps members support the long-term health of communities through their selfless commitment.
Goodwill’s Public Health AmeriCorps (PHA) Program Members serve with health agencies, schools and nonprofits across Maine and New Hampshire to improve regional emergency responsiveness, support environmental health efforts, and encourage access to affordable healthcare for all. Member’s in PHA’s Youth Development branch will focus their service on supporting youth who have been impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs.) Members across the program will be provided with extensive training and networking experiences to prepare them for a career in the Public Health field. Benefits: Living allowance: $24,000 divided equally over 11-month term. Part-time Service Terms Available. Childcare Reimbursement. Loan Forbearance + interest accrual paid off. Education Award of $7,395. Health insurance at no cost to member. Professional Development. To learn more about our open positions visit Goodwill's AmeriCorps Positions webpage.
- AmeriCorps Legal Access Navigators Program*
Primary contact: Krystal Williams
Address: 15 Casco Street, Portland, ME 04101
Phone: 207.200.8627
Counties served: Cumberland, Norther York, and Southern AndroscogginAbout and/or mission statement
The AmeriCorps Legal Access Navigators Program empowers low- and moderate-income Mainers, especially those from vulnerable communities, to access justice with dignity and confidence. Through comprehensive training, our service members help individuals navigate the complexities of the legal system. We bridge the gap between legal needs and available resources, fostering fairness and equity. Together, we build a more accessible and just Maine.
As an AmeriCorps Legal Access Navigator, you’ll gain valuable skills in legal navigation, communication, and community engagement while making a tangible difference in the lives of Maine residents. Your service will be a vital link in breaking down barriers to justice, empowering individuals to navigate the legal system with clarity and confidence. By contributing your time and talents, you’ll play a key role in advancing equity and building a more just and accessible legal system for all.
Position overview
As an AmeriCorps Legal Access Navigator, you will serve as a critical resource for individuals navigating the legal system, offering guidance, information, and support to help them address their legal needs. You will only provide legal education, not legal advice. You will work closely with community members, legal aid organizations, and courts to improve access to justice for low- and moderate-income Mainers, with a focus on vulnerable populations. Your role will include direct client interaction, problem-solving, and contributing to a larger mission of creating a fairer and more equitable legal system. This position requires compassion, adaptability, and a commitment to making a meaningful impact.
Service activities
Each AmeriCorps Legal Access Navigator will serve in several locations. Below is a list of general activities by location. Activities include (but are not limited to):
In collaboration with civil legal aid organizations:
- Provide in-court screening and support for indigent individuals seeking civil legal assistance.
- Create resource documents and training modules to effectively support volunteer lawyers and community members in learning key areas of civil law.
- Recruit and support volunteer lawyers in providing legal services to the public.
- Recruit and support community members in assisting volunteer and staff attorneys in providing legal services to the public.
In the community:
- Work with other community agencies serving vulnerable populations to strengthen collaborations
- Provide outreach and education to vulnerable populations on the U.S. legal system and their rights in civil matters related to economic and housing security, personal safety, and bodily autonomy.
- Help individuals complete and file administrative petitions.
- Connect people with assistance and services including legal aid organizations and online self-help resources.
Apply using the AmeriCorps Job Board:
- Maine Conservation Corps AmeriCorps Program*
Primary Contact: Sara Knowles
124 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0124
phone:(207) 624-6085
fax:(207) 287-3342
web site:
Counties served: All 16 Maine countiesMission statement
To accomplish conservation initiatives that inspire individuals and enhance communities.
Maine Conservation Corps (MCC) strives to create equal access, understanding, and admiration of the natural world among participants and the public through service and community engagement, while cultivating the next generation of conservation stewards.
Positions overview:
MCC offers 100 service opportunities through two programs: Individual Placements and Field Teams.
Individual Placements accomplish a wide variety of conservation projects such as water quality monitoring, habitat restoration, mobilizing volunteers, restoring eelgrass, teaching school kids about shellfisheries, mapping invasive species, and more.
Field Teams construct and rehabilitate recreational trail infrastructure; engage in habitat restoration efforts; irradicate invasive species; and complete forest health projects. Efforts of the Field Team provide access to Maine's natural areas and present recreation, education, and fitness opportunities for the public.
Service activities
Activities of MCC AmeriCorps members are diverse, but have common initiatives focused on enacting the mission of the corps:
- Accomplish conservation projects: This is the primary focus of all MCC programs. Members build and rehabilitate trails construct outdoor learning centers for schools, improve wildlife habitat and timber stands, survey watersheds, test water quality, oversee planting projects, and much more.
- Promote conservation education: MCC strives to raise awareness and interest in the natural environment. Individual placement members help develop curriculum, train volunteers, and conduct outreach efforts.
- Engage volunteers: The MCC members recruits volunteers to serve at projects all over the state. Volunteers can join MCC on the trail, in the classroom, or on the water to get involved in local efforts to protect and restore the environment.
- Develop transferable skills, earn certifications, and gain experience: MCC programs develop communication skills, teamwork, critical thinking, problem solving, self-esteem, confidence, safety, job skills and outdoor living experiences. Members participate in job readiness trainings and earn certifications to prepare them for life after AmeriCorps.
Apply using MCC's application form.
- Skowhegan AmeriCorps Outdoor Recreation Program*
Contact: Kristina Cannon
Main Street Skowhegan
48 Court St., Skowhegan, ME 04976-1864
Phone:(207) 612-2571
Counties served: SomersetAbout
The Skowhegan Outdoors AmeriCorps Program, an initiative of Main Street Skowhegan--is an effort to ensure that everyone in the Skowhegan community has equitable access to the outdoors, opportunities to participate in free outdoor activities, and the tools to experience the natural world on their own. Six AmeriCorps positions serve in support of this program.
Skowhegan Outdoors AmeriCorps Program offers connection to outdoor recreation for those in the Skowhegan community, including free outdoor programming, the implementation of a community gear library, the development of Run of River, and the expansion of the local trail network. Skowhegan Outdoors will help bring people together through shared experiences, promote our outdoor spaces and facilities, and catalyze a shift toward a more active lifestyle in Skowhegan--a lifestyle that is accessible to everyone.
Position overview
Skowhegan Outdoor AmeriCorps Program members serve the community directly by involving its members in outdoor recreation programming, which they plan, prepare for, and execute. The AmeriCorps members also train additional volunteers to lead the programs, promote the programs in virtual and real spaces, create online content, and are tasked with establishing a gear library so residents can borrow outdoor recreation equipment free of charge.
Service activities
- Plan outdoor programming for each calendar month of the term they serve, for which members will plan logistics and prepare materials, then execute together.
- Collaborate with new and returning community partners and volunteers to increase the program's capacity.
- Use social media, email newsletters, the program website, paper calendars distributed around the community, and other means to promote Skowhegan Outdoors AmeriCorps Program.
- Maintain and enhance the Free Community Gear Library, which may include cleaning and repairing gear, communicating with borrowers, applying for grants for additional gear, and promoting the library.
Apply on Service Year -- access here.
- White Pine AmeriCorps*
Primary Contact: Heather Campbell
170 Cider Hill Road York, ME 03909
Website: White Pine AmeriCorps Program
County served: YorkAbout
Through nature-based programming and outreach, White Pine Programs' AmeriCorps initiative aims to significantly improve the mental well-being of youth and seniors across southern York County and the Seacoast of New Hampshire. This program will positively impact participants by boosting self-confidence, fostering new relationships, and encouraging community gatherings in outdoor settings. Additionally, members will recruit new volunteers to support nature-centered programming, expanding the agency’s capacity to deliver services during the grant period and beyond.
Position overview
As a White Pine AmeriCorps member, you'll gain expertise in our teaching methodologies, participate in specialized training, and engage with diverse community partners like schools and municipalities. You'll develop and deliver nature-based lesson plans for children and seniors, adapting to weather and mobility needs. You'll integrate curriculum standards into school programs and address seniors' accessibility accommodations. You'll also contribute to our digital resource database and assist in our all-weather forest school. This role includes self-reflection for continuous personal and program improvement.
How to apply
Visit the White Pine AmeriCorps webpage.
- Campus Climate Action Corps
Primary contact: Sally Slovenski
Address: Campus Compact 89 South Street Boston, MA 02111
Phone: 207.893.7714
Counties served: Cumberland,Penobscot, Maine and various national sitesAbout
AmeriCorps Campus Climate Action Corps (CCAC) is a Campus Compact program funded by AmeriCorps. CCAC aims to build the capacity of campuses and their community partners to create change that leads to increased energy efficiency, environmental education and improvements for at-risk ecosystems by implementing local solutions for underserved households and communities in Maine and throughout the United States.
Utilizing teams of AmeriCorps members placed at campus host sites in Maine and throughout the United States, CCAC’s program goals are to:
- Increase individual knowledge and behavioral change for improved climate action (i.e., energy efficiency);
- Lower greenhouse gas emissions and increase cost savings for disadvantaged communities through our home energy assessments, low-tech interventions, and government referral navigator initiative;
- Improve at-risk ecosystems through direct service projects that focus on land, water, and biodiversity health; and
- Increase training opportunities and green career development resources that generate workforce pathways for our AmeriCorps members and underserved populations in the community. Campus Compact CCAC provides centralized program administration, member training.
Position overview
CCAC Members will be responsible for developing new and existing campus and community partnerships and coordinating program activities that aim to increase energy efficiency, enhance environmental awareness, and improve at-risk ecosystems for underserved households and communities.
Service activities
- Provide households with energy conservation strategies and resources to reduce carbon emissions and increase cost savings.
- Implement low-tech interventions to reduce energy use and increase cost savings for underserved households (e.g. weatherization, LED light bulbs, window-insulation inserts).
- Serve as a home energy navigator, educating low-income households on government programs and assisting households to apply for rebate and subsidy programs.
- Plan and execute a community-driven project that improves a local at-risk ecosystem (e.g. removal of invasive species, tree planting, installation of rain gardens).
- Coordinate and facilitate education events in underserved communities to increase awareness about climate change, environmental/financial impacts of energy usage, and strategies for reducing personal energy use.
- Develop community partnerships and leverage volunteers to support CCAC program activities.
How to apply
Visit the CCAC AmeriCorps.