Maine Volunteer Roll of Honor: Youth

three grade school students moving a box of donations on Martin Luther King Day of ServiceThe Young Maine Volunteer Roll of Honor is a statewide appreciation of young people who contribute significant time (50 hours or more) to serving their communities.

This program is not competitive.

Every qualified nominee age 18 and younger will be honored.

Any local organization can nominate qualified volunteers: town office, school, library, nonprofit or public agency.

There is no cost to the nominator or person honored thanks to civic minded sponsors.

Nomination deadline: March 10, 2025


The Young Maine Volunteer Roll of Honor recognizes volunteers age 18 or younger who meet the following criteria:

  1. devoted 50 hours or more of volunteer service to the community during the twelve months (January 1 – December 31) prior to the nomination deadline. Note charitable giving (i.e., participating in walkathons or other events to raise money) and court-ordered community service may not be counted.
  2. service hours are documented by the program(s) or organization(s) with whom the volunteer served.
  3. legal guardians of nominees under the age of 18 consent to submission of the nomination.

All volunteers certified as qualifying by the nominating program will be recognized. This is not a competitive recognition program.


Young Maine Volunteer medalIndividuals added to the youth Roll of Honor will receive:

  1. A Governor's Awards for Service and Volunteerism certificate signed by the Governor with the person's name and total hours of service during the prior year.
  2. A commemorative medallion
Submission Deadline and Instructions

How to submit.

  • All nominations must be submitted using the online form which has an upload function through which the Nomination Data file is sent.
  • Download this NOMINATION DATA file. (Word Doc with data table)
  • Fill out the data table as directed on the form. Have someone proofread the table before you submit. The data will be used exactly as you enter it (no corrections will be made).
  • All fields must be completed on the form because each row is entered in a database and used to complete certificates, media listings, etc. Use upper/lower case when entering data.
  • Use THIS LINK to open the online submission form.
  • Complete the 3 questions on the form, "sign" it, upload the Nomination Data file, and submit.