AUGUSTA – The Maine Commission for Community Service (MCCS), also known as Volunteer Maine, recently celebrated the contributions of five community service leaders who completed terms on the Commission. At the same time, the Commission welcomed five new members appointed by Governor Janet Mills and witnessed the swearing-in of two leaders reappointed for three-year terms.
The Commissioners are a diverse, bipartisan group of citizens, who represent at least one of the 25 volunteer service sectors named in the Commission’s statute. The board is charged with ensuring Maine’s community and volunteer service sector can effectively tackle critical local needs. The Commission awards AmeriCorps grants and oversees training and technical assistance for community volunteer leaders.
The following have been reappointed for 3-year terms:
- Pam Proulx-Curry of Old Town (left in the photo), Executive Director of Maine Multicultural Center in Bangor. Proulx-Curry is the Chair-elect of the Maine Commission for Community Service.
- Diane Lebson of Camden (right in the photo), CEO and Co-founder of Evergreen Philanthropic Solutions. Lebson is the Chair of the Communications Task Force.
The following are newly appointed to the Maine Commission for Community Service by Governor Janet Mills:
- Necole Janczura of Cushing Business Development Officer for First National Bank
- Kelly Day of Westbrook, Director of Volunteer Services for Catholic Charities Maine
- William Sedlack of Scarborough, Executive Director of the Presumpscot Regional Land Trust
- Matthew Williams of Ellsworth, City Planner for the City of Ellsworth
- Michael Williams of Greenbush, County Manager for Piscataquis County
Honored for their service on the Maine Commission for Community Service:
- Phil Bosse of Winthrop, a retiree from U.S. Senator Susan Collins staff
- Nate Rudy, now a foreign service officer with the State Department
- Zakk Maher, Community Development Manager for the City of Auburn
- Ed Barrett of Lewiston a retired City Administrator in Lewiston
- Robert Meinders of Benedicta, a retiree from USDA
Volunteer Maine, the Maine Commission for Community Service, builds capacity and sustainability in Maine's volunteer sector by funding service programs, developing volunteer managers and service-learning practitioners, raising awareness of the scope and the impact of the volunteer sector, and encouraging an ethic of service.
Media contact
Maryalice Crofton, Executive Director
Office: (207) 624-7792
Email: maryalice.crofton@maine.gov