September 2016

Meeting Notice

DATE: Friday, September 16, 2016 
TIME: 10 am - 12 pm

LOCATION: Conference Room, Klahr Holocaust Center, Univ of Maine Augusta, 46 University Drive, Augusta, ME 04330
All business meetings are open to the public. The closest parking is the lot in front of the Randall Student Center. This link goes to a map of the campus layout.

Get Local Map



10:00 Public Comment Period  Portela
10:10 Call to Order Portela
10:12 Welcome, Announcements, Agenda Adjustments
1. Introductions 
2. Announcements
3. Quiz Answer 
4. Additions or Deletions to Agenda
Focus on Mission/Responsibilities
 10:15 A. AmeriCorps Launch and National Service Outreach project
B. New CNCS award announcements
C. Other
Business Reports
(Reports submitted are posted.)
 10:30  A. Minutes 
1. June
10:35 B. Executive Committee
1.  Accept August and August special reporst (affirm decisions)
2. September meeting notes posted. Respond to any clarifications requested.
10:40 C. ASC Update
1. Public policy news
2. Need to designate M Ashmore as Maine voting delegate at annual assembly
3. Other
11:00 D. Grant Selection and Performance 
1. Summer business and upcoming priorities
2. Call for peer reviewers
3. Other
11:20 E. Excellence and Expertise 
1. Meeting notes posted. Respond to any clarification requests.
11:22 F. Public Information and Education/ Public Policy 
1. Report from meeting on 9/13
11:30 G. Blaine House Conference Planners
1. Update
11:35 H. CNCS Regional Office update Hite
11:40 I. MCCS Staff 
1. Service Enterprise cohort involving Commission Staff
2. Staff work plans and priorities through January
Planning and Future Initiatives
11:45 A. 2016-2017 meeting schedule
B. Retreat logistics and location (Oct. 20/21)
C. Renew authorizaton for Exec Committee to act on behalf of board if needed between meetings
D. Maine Volunteer Foundation update
Portela, et al
Business Wrap Up
11:50 A. Adjourn to Task Force Work Sessions
1. Reminder: Complete meeting evaluation forms 
2. Next business meeting is October __, 2016- Conference Room 110, 19 Union Street, Augusta, ME
Reports and Drafts

Meeting Schedules

View Calendar Notices Here

To facilitate board communication and assure compliance with the requirements for public notice, all MCCS meetings and work sessions will be posted on this site's Calendar as well as the State of Maine Legislative Calendar.

Task Force chairs are asked to check the dates/times/locations for their groups and notify staff of any changes.

As MCCS adds new staff and commissioners, we hope this central posting will help us all avoid "double booking" and, at the same time, make communication with partners smoother.


1. Business meeting minutes: June 2016

2. Executive Committee meetings: August regular,   August special,   September regular

3. Grant Selection and Performance: August 2016

    Performance Assessment for Goodwill Take2 AmeriCorps and funding recommendation



MCCS application for supplemental Program Development funds

ASC annual assembly background info

Blaine House Conference agenda and registration (October 11 - registration action needed!)

Conference flyer to distribute by email to Maine networks

Commish's Quiz

For Commissioners!

More than a contest, this is part of the "in-service education" for Commission board members.

Commission Members should: email their response before 5 pm Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016!

Send your answers to All correct answers will be well rewarded at the meeting.

This Month's Challenge

It's a 2 part question about the America's Service Commissions (ASC) which will hold its annual member assembly later in September. ASC is the "trade association" of State Service Commissions.

1. Who are the ASC staff? (Hint - look under "Who we are" at

2. Which seats are vacant on the ASC board comprised of Commissioners and Commission staff? (Hint - see Background material section of HQ\Reports)