The mission of Volunteer Maine, the state service commission, is to foster and inspire community service and volunteerism to address critical needs in the State of Maine.
NOTICE: Regular Business Meeting
Friday, June 18, 2021
As authorized under Sec. G-1. 1 MRSA §403-A, the Commission will convene using technology. Commission meetings are open to the public and livestreamed. Members of the public can access the meeting through this URL -- LINK TO LIVE STREAM. A request to make a public comments may be submitted by email to Service.Commission [at] any time before 6:00 pm on June 18, 2021.
- Agenda
Time Topic Leader 10:00 Public Comment Period Branham 10:15 Call to Order Branham 10:17 Welcome, Announcements, Agenda Adjustments
1. Introductions
2. Quiz Answer
3. Announcements and Appreciations
4. Additions or Deletions to Agenda
5. Motion to approve Consent AgendaBranham Consent Agenda 10:20 A. Business Minutes
Moved that the minutes of the Commission meeting on May 21, 2021 be approved.
B. Executive Committee
Moved that the report of the Executive Committee meeting for June 8, 2021 be accepted.
C. Grant Selection and Performance
Moved that the report of the Grant Selection and Performance Task Force meeting for June 11, 2021 be accepted.
D. Communications Task Force
Moved that the report of the Communication Task Force meeting for June 9, 2021 be accepted.Branham Focus on Mission Responsibilities 10:25 A. Maine Volunteer Foundation - Briefing on current Foundation activities
B. Status LD1010Birney
CroftonBusiness Reports
(Reports submitted are posted.)10:30 A. Executive Committee
1. Officer elections for 2-year terms
-- Proposed slate
2. Proposed dates for annual board retreat
3. OtherBranham 10:40 B. Grant Selection and Performance
1. OtherBarrett 10:45 C. National Public Policy Committees of states
1. States for Service
2. America's Service Commissions
Crofton10:50 D. Communications/Public Policy
1. Briefing on content plan for coming year
2. OtherTilton-Flood
Roche11:00 D. CNCS Update Cheesman 11:05 E. MCCS Staff
1. Volunteer Generation Fund briefing
2. Staff thoughts on creating Maine Climate Corps
3. Respond to questions about items in staff reports
4. OtherMCCS staff Planning and Future Initiatives 11:15 A. Report of initial findings: Impact of 2020 and COVID on Maine's Volunteer Sector Sarah Goan, USM/DIP 11:40 B. The Commission's Role in ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion
Invited Special Guest to brief CommissionGuest Presenter Business Wrap Up 12:15 pm A. Reminder: Complete meeting evaluation -- link to be sent Monday
B. Next meeting (September 2021 )New Chair - Reports & Drafts
Meeting Schedules
To facilitate board communication and assure compliance with the requirements for public notice, all Volunteer Maine meetings and work sessions will be posted on this site's Calendar as well as the State of Maine Legislative Calendar.
Task Force chairs are asked to check the dates/times/locations for their groups and notify staff of any changes.
As Volunteer Maine adds new staff and commissioners, we hope this central posting will help us all avoid "double booking" and, at the same time, make communication with partners smoother.
1. Business meeting minutes: May 21, 2021
2. Executive Committee meeting: June 8, 2021
3. Grant Selection and Performance: June 11
4. Communications: June 9
5. Excellence and Expertise: June 2
6. Financial Reports: None (Next quarter report due July 15)
MCCS Team Report:
Grant Programs Officer: Current
Program Development and Training Officer: Current
Communications Officer: Current
Program Officer for Volunteer Initiatives: Current
These items are either background for some of the discussions and/or at the Commission meeting or information on national or regional issues that may impact the Commission.
- LD722 - LINK to Maine Legislative bill tracking site. Select "Text and Disposition" to read bill; "Status in Committee" will show committee action.
LD1010 - LINK to Maine Legislative bill tracking site. Select "Text and Disposition" to read bill; "Status in Committee" will show committee action. There is also a committee amendment.
- Commish's Quiz
Commissioner Quiz
More than a contest, this is part of the "in-service education" for Commission board members.
Commission Members should: email their response before 5 pm Thursday, June 17, 2021!
Send your answers to All correct answers will be well rewarded at the meeting.
This Month's Challenge
An important research report was published by Service Year Allliance in May. "Service Years and Bridging" investigated how service years do or could be a strategy for civic renewal. If the term "bridging" is unfamiliar (it's recent), it refers to the act of using one's skills, attitudes, and motivation to produce inclusive outcome in the community where one resides. It's a shorthand for the role someone who is culturally competent and civically active can play in helping community members coalesce around solutions to local challenges.
This relates to Commission grant-making, Maine Service Fellows, and youth service interests because all of those strategies balance meeting community needs with developing an ethic of service and related skills that the person can use for the rest of their life. The report is here: LINK.
So, this month's question is has two parts:
What terminology surprised researchers because it is both not understood and not used by service year programs (including AmeriCorps)?
What barriers were identified as interfering with the ability of program leaders/directors to give equal attention to member development in the areas of cultural competence and civic engagement?
Hint for part 2: The list starts with "The barriers hindering programs from building upon the basic service year model ..."