Excellence and Expertise Task Force Minutes

Excellence and Expertise Task Force Minutes

2 December 2020

PRESENT: Susan Hawthorne (chair), Dale Rowley, Pam Proulx-Curry, Veronica Kupferman

Staff: M. Ashmore


The meeting opened at 1:30 pm by teleconference.



Welcome & Review of E & E purpose

Chair welcomed members and, because E & E Task force is being re-formed after a two year hiatus, asked the staff support person to reiterate the overall purpose of E & E and to provide background on the various initiatives currently underway that fall under the purview of the Task Force.


Commission Initiatives under E & E umbrella

  • Novice Training for Volunteer Mangers

The Commission hosts an online asynchronous course for novice managers of volunteers. MA briefly described the content and schedule of the certificate course and how it will be managed with the upcoming hiring of the new Volunteer Sector Initiatives staff person.  Discussion ensued related to national Certificate of Volunteer Administration and how the Commission has supported candidates in the past and how it intersects with the Certificate Course

  • Service Enterprise Hub & Training

MA described the history of the Service Enterprise initiative, the role of the Commission and the relationship with Points of Light, the owner of the intellectual property rights to the Service Enterprise model.  Discussion focused on the challenges related to bringing this concept to Maine, how to move the initiative forward, concerns about the cost and available supports.

  • Grantee Support & Technical Assistance

The group also reviewed the role of E & E in monitoring the efficacy of the ongoing support the Commission provides to grantees. MA noted the differences that have occurred as a result of grantee feedback and the effects of COVID-19 on the recent new grantee training. MA also noted the E & E would be the recipient of the final report from Brenda Zollich’s research on Training effectiveness (currently with Research & Eval ask Force).

  • Maine Ready & Disaster-related volunteering

MA briefly reviewed the Commission’s role in supporting the Maine Ready disaster volunteering web platform and how it intersects with the Commission’s role in the Maine Disaster Response plan. DR shared his experience with the platform and its predecessors.  This will be a topic for future meetings


Discussion of the Commission Strategic plan and the annual staff Workplan and what sections E & E oversees was tabled to the January meeting due to time constraints


Links to Commission initiative descriptions and to some related readings, including recent NCOC reports on intersection of COVID & Civic Health were shared.


Commission expects Lisa Morin, director of the UMaine Bodwell Center to join as a member starting in January.