Public Policy Task Force

PRESENT: Luke Shorty, Phil Bosse, Jeff McCabe, Jenni Tilton-Flood

The members convened at 8:30 am using the virtual meeting technology.

1.    State Legislation

  • Jenni will take a first swing at writing testimony on the bill addressing taxation of Americorp award, Luke will write testimony as an Americorp alum.
  • Luke will take a first swing at writing testimony on LD 1260

2.    Federal Issues: 
Maryalice will send an invitation to commissioners and programs to send their congratulations to Senator Collins for her National Service Llifetime Leadership award. Jenni will deliver it to her office when she goes to DC.

3.    Other: 
Legislative Learning Session – briefing of all the sponsors of bills impacting the Commission as well as legislators with ties to national service or Commission
April 12, 2023 -- 8:30-9:30
Cross Building, Room 102A 

Proposed Agenda:
8:30 - 8:40 Welcome, Meet & Greet (Commissioners at the doors and in the room)
8:40 - 9:10 Welcome and Kick Off (five minutes each)
•    Jenni Tilton Flood: Welcome and Recognition of Sponsors, Programs, and Key Dignitaries. 
•    Maryalice Crofton update on the Maine Commission of Community Services work 
•    Representative Riley will speak towards the importance of the bills he is sponsoring 
•    Senator Stewart will speak towards the importance of the bills he co-sponsored
•    Representative Dana will speak towards the importance of service and work that MCCS does. (Representative Carlow may be available)  
•    Representative Fay will speak towards the importance of the bills she co-sponsored
9:10 -  9:30 Targeted Conversation and Casual Breakouts
Involvement of Climate Corp Programs, Service Fellow Programs, Americorp Alum (regarding taxation)
Commissioners at doors
Jenni Tilton Flood will do Thank Yous and Wrap-Up the event. 

Jenni will send out an RSVP due to Maryalice by Friday the 7th. 

Thoughts on condensing talking points to five key points:
1.    90% of AmeriCorps Award money leaves the State of Maine instead of staying in Maine.
2.    Maine is number 4 in regards to the smallest number of volunteers lost during COVID (33,000), but it is slow to come back.
3.    Service Fellows benefit to helping rural and underserved areas without the large federal red-tape.
4.     And 5. TBD

There being no other discussion items, the members dispersed at 9:28 am.