PRESENT: Jenni Tilton-Flood, Ed Barrett, Stacie Haines, Maryalice Crofton
The members convened at 3:30 pm using the virtual meeting technology.
Discussion items:
DEBRIEF OF AMERICORPS CEO VISIT. Jenni recapped her observations as did Stacie. Because Maryalice was on sick leave, Jenni was Michael Smith’s escort/Commission host throughout the day. Stacie and Kirsten led the Climate Corps breakfast. We may have succeeded in providing an understanding of rural state challenges. The sites organizing events (9 in 36 hours) made an impact although it was clear he enjoyed the Hall of Flags program meetings, alum dinner, and member lunch. Great job by all.
NEXT STEPS AFTER RETREAT. Items related to DEI work have accumulated over the summer and during the retreat. 1) Pam and Luke had offered to use their personal connections to explore whether the tribes would consider identifying ambassadors to participate in Commission work. The positions are envisioned as similar to the ambassadors to the legislature. 2) The regulatory requirement around maintaining a list of businesses that are owned/operated by under-represented or marginalized people could be adapted by the Commission for grant notifications. Need some resources to do the research thoroughly. 3) The retreat identified areas in which there is little or no representation on the commission. This gives some direction to inviting people to serve on task forces as non-board members. Maryalice has the summary from the retreat. After discussion, it was decided to fold the follow-up on these items into the DEI subcommittee work, especially because it is meeting in 48 hours.
COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. September was the natural end to terms. One of the people nominated by the Governor has failed to qualify four times so that position is still officially vacant. The labor representative needs to submit forms and MEMA’s replacement for the new person who left the state needs to submit the application. Those plus the reappointments would at least keep us from losing ground.
STRAGEGIC PLAN 2023 WORKPLAN. In August, the Exec Committee decided to take on the task of drafting a revision because this task did not fit into the retreat this year. Then other issues ate up time. The suggest was made and accepted that Exec Committee members have a workshop after the October regular board meeting to do this work. Staff need to be present. Barrett asked that the Commissioners be given an update before the workshop on what was accomplished from the 2022 workplan along with potential tasks as well as essential tasks for 2023.
COMMISSION OPERATION BUDGET. A proposed budget for 2023 funding of office operations is due to the federal agency today. As discussed at the last Commission meeting, Exec Committee will review and authorize submission with the understanding that any changes requested by the board would be made before the final award. The proposed budget had been emailed to members and was discussed. Submitting it to the federal agency was authorized.
AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING. These include voting on Climate Corps grant award, review of the budget, DEI update. Task forces will add items as needed. The final New Commissioner orientation session will be at 9am.
There were no other items to discuss so the members disbanded at 4:34 pm.