PRESENT: Julia Van Steenberghe, Tom Meuser, Kristen Grant, Nathan Robbins, Lisa Morin, Kelsey Preecs, Kate Klibansky, Janet May
STAFF: Lucy Martin, Michael Ashmore
Meeting started at 3:02 p.m.
1. Welcome & Introductions (5 min) - New Program Officer, Special Initiatives, Lucy Martin
a. Meeting began at 3:02 p.m.
b. Introductions by participants of their affiliation and position descriptions
2. Review of Task Force Mission & setting the scope of work (15 min)
a. Overview of the agenda
b. Tom reviewed the mission and scope of the task force, the programs that have been folded into the task force, and the training and technical assistance that the task force facilitated/provided including the Maine annual volunteer leadership conference. It was clarified that the Youth Service Grant Partnership involvement depends on funding available and that the AmeriCorps programs are relevant for training resources.
c. Future task force concern of deciding to use national vs. Maine-based volunteer data was brought up
d. Discussed organizing the Maine Volunteer Leadership Conference and the need for a sub-committee to raise money and develop the schedule, interested task force members were invited to stay after the meeting to discuss
e. Funding for opportunities for service in Maine – how can we as a group help create funding opportunities for climate service projects such as Climate Corps and the Maine Service Fellows
3. Maine Service Fellows Policy input (20 min)
- MSF Continued Service Background Check Policy [for immediate action]
a. The task force believes 3 months was too long of a window to allow for between background checks due to the potential vulnerability of the populations being served
b. A consensus was reached that 45 days was a better timeframe and that the language of using “days” would reduce confusion
- MSF Policy on Fellows earning academic credit while serving [concept discussion, time permitting]
a. Table this policy for the next meeting
4. Volunteer Leadership Conference Planning Committee (15 min)
- Establishing a Conference Committee and subcommittee
b. Going to put it out to the network for people to be part of the planning: fundraising, space utilization, content, marketing subgroups
- Conference basics - the what, the why, and revisiting the when
c. It was decided that the conference would be held in the first two weeks of August. Task force members were asked for input regarding the keynote speaker and topics to be discussed. There was significant interest in having a focus on the interconnectedness of environmental concern/efforts and volunteerism. Folks that were interested in participating in the planning were invited to stay after the meeting to discuss further
- Commitments & any recommendations for membership
5. Announcements & Situational Awareness notes pertinent to the Committee's work (5 min)
- Volunteer Service Coordinator Hiring
- Exec Order Expanding Non-competitive Eligibility for AC members
a. No longer of note as it was rescinded by President Trump
- Federal Register items of note
a. State Commissions cannot host/manage programs: program/rule change is to allow them to be host agency for senior programs for agencies not covered in states b. Prohibition of sponsors delegating responsibilities of programs to other agencies
c. Limits on for-profit childcare facilities
d. Question about format of AmeriCorps entry and exit forms because exit form has a question of whether individual completed their service successfully (turned in forms) – if organization says they did not then they are prevented from serving ever again – does the committee recommend submitting a public comment on these
e. Rethought the number of service terms currently no more than two education awards now: up to two education awards OR four terms
Thank you!
Meeting ended at 4:05 p.m.