Public Information & Education Task Force

January 9, 2019


Present: Michael Ashmore, David Burns, Doug Horner, Jamie Logan, John Portela 

January 5th Day of Service  
Mike provided the task force members with an overview of the Day of Service and the press received. Overall, there was a lot of great press including coverage of Commission members and where they were serving, but the Commission itself was only mentioned a couple of times across the state in media coverage. This led to a discussion among task force members about the branding of MCCS and the need for a unified name/brand - for example, the Commission is referred to differently within its own website and documents right now. Possibility was raised that legislative approval might be needed for a name change, but task force agrees would like to start moving forward with at least unifying brand and name when referring to selves. A further discussion on branding will be added to the February agenda. Mike will send task force members the branding report that was prepared in recent years. 

To better get the MCCS name and effort for the day of service out there, at John’s suggestion task force members who wish to will submit an LTE/Op-Ed to their local papers. Jamie will provide a draft template and task force members can flesh it out with local and customized information. 

MLK Day of Service  
Mike explained the requirement for Americorps programs to create/host/participate in the MLK or 9/11 Day of Service and that MCCS staff follows the CNCS’ lead on messaging for the day. 

MCCS Video 
All task force members should have received an email with a video file from Maryalice. Comments and suggestions about the video should be e-mailed. A primary concern raised by task force members was the sound quality and the music being distracting to the message.  

Congressional Delegation Site Visits 
The task force’s role is generally for members to reach out to the staff of the Congressional delegation to invite them to visit a program site. MCCS staff will provide task force members with programs/geographical area so that information is available when the invitation outreach is made.

Legislative Awareness Day 
March 6th is this year’s day for MCCS to be in the Hall of Flags to speak with legislators.