Public Information & Education - March Meeting

March 16, 2018


The meeting occurred directly following MCCS Business meeting, starting at 11:50am.

PRESENT: Carol Rancourt, David Burns, Cecily Cook, Jamie Logan, Brianna Tibbetts, Maryalice Crofton


1. Report from Carol on Senior Corps marketing progress

  • CNCS already has recent/new Senior Corps PSAs and TV spots currently playing in "major markets". 
  • Carol has communicated with the regional CNCS office to get copies of the material. Libby is playing phone tag with the appropriate person in the DC office.
  • Once Carol obtains copies she will put them on discs and send them to each of the PIE members to review. Ideally this will happen in advance of the next meeting in April.


2. National Service Recognition Day

  • The event is the first Tuesday in April and was previously known as "Mayor and Local Official Day". This year it's been opened up to any elected official to voice their support for National Service.
  • AmeriCorps alumni in the House are heading up the legislative recognition in Maine. There is concern that the legislation is not as bi-partisan as it could be. 
  • David and Jamie agree that what is needed is an "open-jacket" bill where legislators are required to opt out if they do not want to be included.
  • In the Senate it is being sponsored by Sen. Thibodeau, in the House it should be the Speaker, or, if not, Rep. Espling.


3. Next Meeting

  • Generally speaking, meeting immediately after MCCS business meetings works for all members.
  • However, next month (April) there is the National Service program staff recognition luncheon after the business meeting, so that may not work.
  • Meeting before the business meeting could be a possibility. Carol will follow up with members closer to the date.


The meeting ended at 12:25pm.