Board Development

February 27, 2015


Present: [by telephone] Ron Holmes, Celeste Branham, Maryalice Crofton

> Progress on recruitment  
Each person reported on outreach. Maryalice will send the application materials to three interested people.

>Final session of New Commissioner Orientation  
The last session is orientation to several task forces. Since the new Commissioners have been on board for a year and an overview of task forces was done early in the process, it was agreed we would check with Ed and Gordon to see if this final session was necessary. 

>Outreach to uninvolved Commissioners  
Celeste has spoken with one person and recommends no change. The second person is not returning messages so there is no report. She will continue to try and connect with the individual.

>Board Retreat
Planning for this needs to begin in March. Celeste and Ron will not be at the Commission meeting so the first consultation with the full board will be April.

Note: The members of the Maine Commission for Community Service are invited to attend the UMaine seminar/planning session on civic engagement. The session at UMaine on March 19 will be repeated on March 20 at USM.