Board Development

April 29, 2016


Present: [by teleconference] Celeste Branham, Ron Holmes, John Portela, Maryalice Crofton

Discussion primarily centered on the annual Commission retreat. Board Development members want to send a poll to Commissioners in May. It would elicit information and direction for shaping the agenda. The survey used last was largely about logistics so members today discussed other lines of inquiry. For 2016, the poll should ask generally about retreat topics, perspective individuals can add to Commission work, Commission competencies to explore or provide education. A portion of the retreat should be an in-service on MCCS grant making process and how MCCS aligns grants with its funding priorities to achieve goals. An update of progress on the strategic plan also is part of the retreat. PIE and the branding/identity effort also needs time to engage Commissioners as a focus group to get input on options.

As discussed previously, the 2016 retreat is best held in September which makes the dates 9/15-9/16.  

For some portion of the retreat, MCCS should invite the board members from the Maine Volunteer Foundation to attend. Proposed discussion focus would be better connections as the Commission sets priorities and undertakes strategic planning in 2017.

The meeting adjourned at 4pm.