Program Development & Training Officer - Sept 2019

October 1, 2019


Sept 2019 - Administrative Staff Report

Program Development & Training Officer

Major projects completed –

  • Attended AmeriCorps Symposium in Washington DC and participated in a number of training sessions offered by CNCS; in particular, those sessions involving CNCS leadership and those relating to the state office transition. Additionally, represented the Commission at the ASC Annual Awards.
  • AmeriCorps: Assisted new programs with start-up challenges and additional one-on-one trainings more specific than the general instruction offered in New Grantee trainings this summer.
  • Service Enterprise: Hosted, in collaboration with the points of light Foundation the long-planned Service Enterprise Train-the-Trainer, a multi-day training for those individuals and organizations wishing to become affiliated trainers or affiliate hubs for Service Enterprise in Maine.
  • At the request of FEMA Region 1, participated in and presented at the Six-state Preparedness Conference in Concord New Hampshire on Maine’s use of to organize spontaneous volunteers in time of disaster.
  • Also participated in planning for AC 25th Anniversary event, Maine Volunteer Leadership Conference and the editing and release of AmeriCorps RFP’s.

Issues to be aware of –

  • Recruitment is a significant challenge for many programs, both new and more experienced, primarily based on the strength of the economy and local job market. We continue to provide guidance and technical assistance to grantees as well as working with them to develop appropriate slot change models when needed.
  • Three of five VGF subgrantees have requested no cost extensions and the procurement office has recommended that a fourth, who has spent down their funds also be given and NCE to keep them in line with the others when continuation awards are made at the start of the new year.

Major focus of effort in the new month –

  • Intensive last-minute outreach for upcoming AmeriCorps formula and rural state RFP’s. Develop Bidders Conference content for anticipated dates.
  • Outreach related to release of VGF RFP for upcoming program year.
    Work with MEMA to finalize REDI contract for disaster management software.
    Preparation for multiple training sessions at the Volunteer Leadership Conference and Maine School Management Conference.
  • Support planning and execution of AmeriCorps 25th Anniversary event and Leadership Conference.
  • Complete new Commission Investment Fund application.

Other activity –

  • Regular AmeriCorps Technical Assistance to existing grantees via email, teleconference & face to face.
  • Procurement system management and initial entry of financial documents in state purchasing system, including purchase orders, bids, and contracts.