Excellence and Expertise Task Force

November 5, 2015


Present: Richard Higgins, Lisa Laflin (UWTVA), Pam Zeutenhorst (for UWTVA), Maryalice Crofton 

The task force met by teleconference. The meeting opened at 8:30 am. 

The members had received a final draft of Maine Service Enterprise with an outline of relationships, responsibilities, and criteria for being recognized as an affiliate hub. Finalizing this so it can go to the full Commission is the sole discussion item for this morning. 

After brief discussion, some editorial changes were requested. These will be made in the final document presented to the Commission. It was noted that United Way of York County has a special status because of their role in the pilot year of Service Enterprise. They are a second Maine Hub. 

The task force completed its work a adjourned at 9 am. 

The next meeting is December 3, 2015 at 8:30 am. 

Note: Barb Wentworth had tried to join the call. She offered the same comments as the group at the meeting when she spoke with Maryalice later in the morning.