Executive Committee (special meeting)

Attendance: Celeste Brahnam, Jenni Tilton Flood, Luke Shorty, Pam Proux-Curry,, Chelsey Fortin Trimble, Bill Guindon, and Julia Van Steenberghe

Luke Shorty called the meeting to order at 2:33pm and mentioned that the meeting was to discuss the options that the Commission has in choosing an acting Executive Director between Maryalice's retirement and hiring a new Executive Director. 

Celeste Branham made the motion to enter into Executive Session in accordance with Title 1 Chapter 12 Subchapter 1 Section 405 to discuss the consideration of appointment of an individual as an acting executive director after December 2024.

It was seconded by Pam Proux-Curry and the motion passed unanimously with no discussion.

The Executive Committee went into Executive session at 2:36pm and returned to their regular meeting at 2:59pm.

There was consensus to recommend to the commission on Friday the 20th of September to recommend to the Department of Education to accept Maryalice Crofton's offer to move her retirement date to March 30th, 2025.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00pm.