Public Information Officer: August 2024

Projects completed:

  • Completed new employee onboarding (start date was July 29th), retrieved computer and worked with IT over the course of the month to obtain and install programs/software that is critical to the PIO position. Other start up activities such as creating a business card, office phone and mobile phone set up, and gaining access to essential cloud-based programs used in day-to-day comms activities. 
  • In collaboration with VM staff and interns, managed communications for the Maine Volunteer Leadership Conference hosted in conjunction with DOE: created and printed posters, flyers and other handouts that were not on hand for distribution. Released media advisory and coordinated media relations on site. Staffed information table during weeklong conference.
  • Working with Grants Officer, helped with event planning and preparation for the AmeriCorps 30th Anniversary celebration and swearing in ceremony to be held Sept. 27th. Created timeline with progress milestones, sent out invitations to members, designed and ordered gifts for attendees, prepared run of show/program and coordinated with Governor’s staff. 
  • Created/released social media posts and updated website with bios for new staff.
  • Attended ASC and internal programming related meetings.
  • Met with staff individually throughout the month to better understand commission’s mission and goals, and the key short- and long-term priorities for the PIO position. 
  • Arranged tour of the new Camp Chamberlain (Maine National Guard Joint Force Headquarters) in hopes of securing the consistent use of an local and adequate facility for larger gatherings, such as for trainings, conferences and the Governor’s Service Awards.
  • Supported VM’s Maine Climate Corps Coordinator as she planned the Maine visit of federal staff from American Climate Corps.

Issues to be aware of

  • Task Force Chair is working to determine if members are continuing to serve and establish a plan to resume regular meetings. 
  • Given the PIO position has been vacant for well over a year there is a fair bit of catching up to do before the normal flow of activities resumes. A particular need is to work with the Task Force to outline a strategic communications plan.

Major focus of effort for the next month

  • Support the Sept. 27th event outlined above.
  • Establish routines for regular comms activities that result in predictable and consistent outreach efforts, such as writing stories, highlights and articles. Create timeline and systems that feed information to VM’s outgoing newsletter, social media and establish a plan for updating the website.
  • Continue to become familiar with specific communities and stakeholders we serve to better understand needs.
  • Identify communication protocols if they exist, including emergency response plans and crisis communication guidelines. If they do not exist evaluate gaps and work with Task Force to determine relevancy and demand for such guidelines.
  • Continue to network with key staff across state offices, to improve visibility and grow VM’s internal and external outreach capabilities.