
MCCS Annual Report to the Legislature and Governor, 2017

MCCS Annual Report to the Legislature and Governor, 2011

Infusing Service-Learning Into Learner-centered Education in Maine

Service-learning in Maine: A Guide to Implementing Quality Service-learning

2011 Maine National Service Impact: Return on Investment

Return on Investment: National Service in Maine 2010

National Core Capacity Assessment Tool Dataset

Maine National Service Field Reports: 2010 Snapshots of Activities in Communities

Designing and Using Screening Procedures: Know the Options

Volunteer Maine Annual Report: 2018-19

From Vision to Reality: A Plan for Service-learning in Maine

2019-2021 Strategic Plan- A Future of Opportunity

MCCS Strategic Plan Extension (approved 6/2014)

Advancing the Vision

Nonprofit Risk Management Center

National Service-Learning Clearinghouse

National Youth Leadership Council

Non-Profits Overlooking Opportunities to Maximize Volunteer Impact

Reinventing Aging: Baby Boomers and Civic Engagement

US CFR 308: Student Volunteer Services

Serve America Act of 2009

US Code: Acceptance of Volunteer Services by Federal Government

US Code: Volunteer Protection

Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration

Maine Volunteer Service by Adults 55 and Over

Enhancing the Capacity of Maine’s Volunteer Sector Volunteer Sector. Status Report and 2010 – 2013 Strategic Plan

MCCS Annual Report to the Legislature and Governor, 2009

Managing Maine Volunteers (From a Legal Perspective)

MCCS Annual Report to the Legislature and Governor, 2010