
Volunteer Maine Annual Report: 2023

The Commission 2023 annual report to the legislature, in particular the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government.

Category: Annual Reports

Volunteer Maine Annual Report: 2022

Commission annual report to the Legislature and Governor.

Category: Annual Reports

Volunteer Maine Annual Report: 2021

The annual report on Volunteer Maine, the Maine Commission for Community Service, to the Legislature and Governor for the calendar year 2021.

Category: Annual Reports

Maine Climate Corps: Inspired by History. Designed for Today.

The report submitted by the Commission in response to the State of Maine 130th Legislature in the passage of L.D. 722, "Resolve, To Study the Establishment of the Maine Climate Corps." The report provides findings and recommendations for creating a Climate Corps in Maine.

Category: Research

The Impact of COVID-19 on Volunteering in Maine: Survey Results and Infographic

The purpose of the survey -- conducted by the Data Innovation Project on behalf of Volunteer Maine, the state service commission -- is to help gain a better understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on Maine's nonprofit volunteer base, identify innovative solutions to the current situation and gain useful insight into how Volunteer Maine and its member sites can most effectively contribute to the recovery efforts in communities across Maine. The Data Innovation Project and project partner the Survey Research Center are part of the the Cutler Institute for Health and Social Policy within the Muskie School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Volunteering.pdf

Survey Results as InfoGraphic


Category: Research

Volunteer Maine Annual Report: 2020

The annual report on Volunteer Maine, the state service commission, to the Legislature and Governor for the calendar year 2020.

Category: Annual Reports

National Service in Maine: COVID-19 Response Through July 2020

A report on National Service programs in Maine and their efforts to pivot to respond to the pandemic.

Access publication here

Category: National Service: General Information

Volunteer Maine Annual Report: 2018-19

The annual report on Volunteer Maine, the state service commission, to the Legislature and Governor for the calendar years of 2018 and 2019.

Access publication here

Category: Annual Reports

2017 Maine AmeriCorps Members: A Profile of the People and Their Service

Results from AmeriCorps member exit survey.

Category: Research

MCCS Annual Report to the Legislature and Governor, 2017

MCCS Annual Report to the Legislature and Governor, 2017

Category: Annual Reports

MCCS Annual Report to the Legislature and Governor, 2016

PDF of the Annual Report for 2016.

Category: Annual Reports

Maine AmeriCorps Members 2016: A profile of the people and their experience

Maine AmeriCorps Members 2016: A profile

Category: Research