
Return on Investment: National Service in Maine 2010

This is a comprehensive report compiled by the Maine Commission for Community Service of volunteer programs in Maine that receive National Service funding.

Category: National Service: General Information

National Core Capacity Assessment Tool Dataset

Reimagining service, national core capacity assessment tool dataset, positive deviance in volunteerism and service

Category: Data Reports and Sites

MCCS Annual Report to the Legislature and Governor, 2010

The Annual Report from the Maine Commission for Community Service to the Legislature and the Governor for calendar year 2010.

Category: Annual Reports

Managing Maine Volunteers (From a Legal Perspective)

This document provides a look at the way Maine laws affect both volunteers and charity organizations. This file is a PDF Format. Hard copies are available from the Commission.

Category: Laws and Regulations (Federal and State)

MCCS Annual Report to the Legislature and Governor, 2009

The Annual Report that the Maine Commission for Community Service reported to the Legislature and the Governor in 2009.

Category: Annual Reports

Enhancing the Capacity of Maine’s Volunteer Sector Volunteer Sector. Status Report and 2010 – 2013 Strategic Plan

An overview of Maine Commission for Community Service's Commission, goals, values, beliefs, background, and 3 year plan, as well as an overview of Maine's volunteer climate and trends.

Category: Strategic Plan

Maine Volunteer Service by Adults 55 and Over

Maine Commission for Community Service response to Corporation for National and Community Service request for information and recommendations about increasing volunteer service among adults 55 and older.

Category: Research

Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration

The Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration advances the profession and practice of volunteer resource management by certifying individuals who demonstrate knowledge and competence in the leadership of volunteers.

Category: National Associations for Managers/Administrators of Volunteers

National Youth Leadership Council

For more than 25 years, NYLC has led a movement that links youth, educators, and communities to redefine the roles of young people in society. That movement is service-learning, and it empowers youth to transform themselves from recipients of information and resources into valuable, contributing members of a democracy.

Access website here

Category: Youth Service and Service-Learning (k-higher education)

Advancing the Vision

Category: Strategic Plan

Reinventing Aging: Baby Boomers and Civic Engagement

This Report is a product of the Harvard School of Public Health?MetLife Foundation Initiative on Retirement and Civic Engagement, a program of the Center for Health Communication at the Harvard School of Public Health. The Report spotlights key issues that must be addressed to involve large numbers of baby boomers in volunteer activities as they reach retirement.

Category: Research

National Service-Learning Clearinghouse

National Service-Learning Clearinghouse (NSLC) supports the service-learning community in higher education, kindergarten through grade twelve, community-based initiatives and tribal programs, as well as all others interested in strengthening schools and communities using service-learning techniques and methodologies.

Access the website here

Category: Youth Service and Service-Learning (k-higher education)

Serve America Act of 2009

Public Law 111–13. 111th Congress. An Act. Entitled The Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, this law reauthorized, extended, and consolidated under the National Service Trust Act of 1993 national service programs (AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, Volunteer Generation Fund, etc.).

Category: Laws and Regulations (Federal and State)