Executive Committee

The members convened at 3:30 p.m. using the virtual meeting technology.

PRESENT: Luke Shorty, Bill Guindon, Maryalice Crofton

The members convened at 3:30 p.m. using the virtual meeting technology. Given the lack of quorum, there was only an informal discussion of issues.

A. Status of process for hiring PIO. Interviews were conducted and 2 people are potential candidates. Reference requests are out.

B. Competitive funding outcome. Maine Conservation Corps not funded. Not the first time they’ve had a break in AmeriCorps support. 

C. Office of Community Assistance status. Existence of the office was authorized through the supplemental budget process. GOPIF staff shared that the effective date will likely be October because the legislature has not adjourned sine die yet. Still, the next biennial budget has to be put together late summer 2024 so it will all overlap.

D. Reappointments and recruitment for board. Goal is to submit nominees and reappointments very soon so they are processed over the summer. Will Sedlack submitted his resignation this week, effective immediately. He did make some recommendations on successors. Luke will reach out to him. Gary Dugal had resigned earlier in the year and Susan Hawthorne had to withdraw her reappointment. Those are the new vacancies. Because appointments took a while recently, a bunch of new people are up for reappointment after only a few months. Boards and Commissions typically just rolls their paperwork forward and shepherds reappointments through. People actually completing a term are Celeste, Julia Fiori, Becky Hayes Boober, and Luke. To fill current vacancies, Luke will have a full board discussion about recruitment at the May meeting. Bill mentioned he would reach out to a potential candidate who he believes would be a great addition.

E. Board retreat. Another item for full board discussion. Need to commit to dates and get a sense of priorities for the time. The training from Wabanaki REACH is likely to take 2-3 hours so there is room for other learning or discussion. 

F. Exec Director departure: 6 months left. Informal discussion of whether it is realistic to think a new Exec Director can be identified. The timeline for agency transition does not line up at all with new hire and, that transition is likely how the position would be reclassed. May need to think of someone in acting capacity. Board needs to consider which hiring authority is going to be in place to work with – Dept of Education or the brand new agency coming on line October-ish 2024.

G. Gov Service Awards: notes for next year's file. Committee will do a debrief but members of Exec were additional eyes and ears at event. A given is the venue has to be larger. The turnout was unexpected. General Dunn was the perfect choice to step in for the Governor.

H. Public Policy – topic held for future meeting. One note, however, was need to explore the extent to which budget for new office in the 2026-2027 biennial could be a vehicle for some staff items instead of independent bills. Downside is those budgets would mean current staff making do through July 2025.

I. Commission Meeting and Agenda. Grant votes, items mentioned above 

J. Task Force Updates. None to report.

There being no further items to discuss, members dispersed at 4:14 pm