Jamie McFaul, Grants Officer
Major projects completed:
- Request for Applications for Rural and Regular Formula AmeriCorps were submitted to Procurement for approval
- Scheduled out site monitoring visits with subgrantees
- Assisted subgrantees with their certifications to comply with the EO’s from the federal government
- Set up a Writeboard in Basecamp for the grants task force to review the National Directs information
- Commission board meeting
- Coding finalized and allotment ordered for 23FXFME001-0005 for Maine Conservation Corps
- Approval of all compliant and correct budgets for the planning grants
- Outreach to Alpha Legal Foundation about member enrollment
- Staff report submitted
- Set up AmeriCorps program directors in Basecamp and OnCorps
- Outreach to GPCOG about final drawdowns
- Updated contracts in Advantage to include the language concerning cybersecurity
- Grants task force meeting to discuss the National Directs
- Review and approval of all compliant fixed amount invoices
Items to be aware of:
- GPCOG has an amendment that has not been submitted to the federal agency in order to comply with the certification of compliance with the EO’s, the reason is due to a glitch in the eGrants system
Major focus of effort for the next month:
- Site monitoring visits