Executive Committee

March 20, 2015


Present[in-person] John Portela, David Wihry, Mark Hews, Maryalice Crofton 

The sole purpose of this extraordinary meeting is to formally act on three business items, following the sentiments of the Commissioners present at the business meeting on March 20, 2015. 

The meeting convened at 11:50 am.

Moved by Hews to authorize the Executive Director to commit MCCS to the responsibilities outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement with the Southern Maine Community Organizations Active in Disasters. Second by Portela. Unanimous vote to approve motion.

Moved by Wihry to transfer operation of the Bangor AmeriCorps Opportunity Collaborative from Eastern Maine Community College to Eastern Maine Development Corp. with all the positions currently awarded to EMCC and the funds remaining as of the date of transfer with no change in the purpose, performance measures, or program model. Second by Portela. Unanimous vote to approve motion.

Moved by Wihry to approve the continuation application and budget from EMDC for year three of the Bangor AmeriCorps Oportunity Collaborative with funding and member service years to be the same as the original year two award made in 2014 to EMCC. Second by Hews. Unanimous vote to approve motion.

The meeting adjourned at 11:57 AM.