Executive Committee

June 6, 2016


Present: [by teleconference] Ron Holmes, David Wihry, Barb Wentworth, Maryalice Crofton

ASC Public Policy update  
Ron gave an update from the national committee. He attends by phone to represent Maine. A major focus is fallout from the Congressional hearing. The sense is that CNCS did not present well whereas the OIG was very clear. Add this to the GAO study that has involved interviews of state commissions and there is a lot to track or digest. In addition, the markup of appropriations bills containing CNCS funding is starting. The Senate markup session is tomorrow.

The members had a short discussion of potential implications for State Commissions.

Task Force Reports  
Grants is meeting immediately after this to develop consensus recommendations on continuations. There will be funding motions to present on June 17.

Excellence and Expertise will meet after the regular business meeting on June 17. Members present will have to finalize their future schedule. The major agenda item is a joint session with the Maine Service Enterprise Trainers Network to discuss the initiative, lessons learned, and implementation needs.

Agenda items for business meeting  
Ron noted that he has to leave at 11:30 so John will need to run part of the meeting. Major items so far are elections, grant award votes, recommendation of any candidates for appointment, and task force reports.

Foundation news  
Maryalice shared with members that the Maine Volunteer Foundation received its nonprofit determination from the IRS in record time (under 90 days). The next board meeting is June 29 when they will address the insurance issue and file paperwork to comply with charitable solicitations laws in Maine. Joel has announced he will not continue on the Foundation because he’s been asked to take on a major project in his hometown. Foundation board terms expire in September so this is not immediate.

There being no other business to address, the meeting ended at 3:31 pm.