Major Projects Underway:
- Volunteer Program survey data around the effects of COVID infographics are in the works, along with an advisory list for reopening volunteer opportunities
- VGF continuation was awarded: most notable goals for the coming year is starting Teen CERTS around the state, service-learning training, and updating the CMV course.
- Maine Volunteer Leadership Conference has happened by the time we have this meeting. I am manifesting that it will be a phenomenal conference.
- Recruitment for community organizations interested in service learning training, funded by the MOTT Foundation.
- Currently receiving training on how to train organizations in Service Enterprise. Looking forward to launching a cohort in the spring.
Upcoming Project Focus:
- Looking for youth organizations interested in CERT
- Volunteer Generation Fund’s ARP funding has not been announced yet – however we are beginning to strategize how we would apply these funds and which organizations to partner with.