Office Administrator: January 2024

Found payment history data from DAFS on various grants 
Daily accounts payable
Web postings
Outreach to Commissioners
P-card reports
Outreach to DAFS for invoice correction, financial backup, account codes
Processed AmeriCorps reimbursements and program income reports
Maintained AmeriCorps reimbursement tracking sheet records 
Procurement processes for contracts
Worked with DAFS to resolve payment issues.
Ordered office supplies
DAFS outreach with regards to payment delays
Supported grantees through AmeriCorps reimbursement process; meetings, meetings for assistance
Contract modifications in Advantage site
MCCS quarterly financial filings preperation
Assisted Executive Director With Cash Expense Drawdown in Advantage
Meeting w/ Gameloft Staff For training, support And to resolve Oncorps submission issues
Worked With MVF's Treasurer To Resolve Google Drive access issue
Research, outreach, compilations, for OIT billing issues

Goal for next month: continue to resolve ongoing payment issues with the DAFS Service Center