PRESENT: Ed Barrett, Rob Meinders, Becky Boober
Staff present: Kirsten Brewer, Jamie McFaul
The members convened at 8:30 a.m. using the virtual meeting technology.
The agenda had three items: policy update for the Climate Corps, upcoming learning seminar, and updated grant timeline.
- There are two new policies that apply to the Climate Corps. The first is setting the minimum living allowance for Maine Climate Corps. This reflects the existing AmeriCorps minimum living allowance which is currently set at $23,460; all task force members agreed that this was acceptable.
- The second policy update is regarding hosting two Volunteer Maine Programs. For example, if a program has an existing AmeriCorps grant and would like to have Climate Corps members, the same policies that are used by AmeriCorps would apply by replacing AmeriCorps with Maine Climate Corps.; all task force members agreed that this was acceptable. The policies will go to the board for approval.
- The upcoming Learning Seminar with Massachusetts Service Alliance will occur on October 13th (virtually), the time is TBD. This is an opportunity to learn from their Commission on how they (MSA) changed their grant making process. Looking specifically at how to incorporate DEI attributes to the selection process; there was no discussion as this was an information item.
- The updated schedule for the grant review process timeline because the formula RFA’s came back later than expected:
09/06 Open
09/28 Proposals due
10/02-10/06 Peer Review
10/9-10/12 GTF tech review
10/13 GTF public meeting to finalize recommendations
10/20 morning Commission vote
There was no discussion as this was information item.
NEXT MEETING: Friday, October13 at 8:30 a.m.
There being no other discussion items, the members dispersed at 8:52 a.m.