Grant Selection and Performance Task Force

PRESENT: Ed Barrett, Matt L’Italien, Rob Meinders, Nate Rudy, Zakk Maher, Jamie McFaul, Maryalice Crofton

The task force convened by videoconference at 9:45 am.

The first item for discussion was planning grant applications.

Upon completion of the peer review and tech review processes, the proposal from Alpha Legal Foundation and Maine Dept. of Education are eligible for recommendation to the board.

MOVED by Matt L’Italien that the funding proposals submitted by Alpha Legal Foundation and Maine Dept. of Education be presented to the full Commission for funding. Second by Rob Meinder. VOTE on the motion: In favor - Barrett, L’Italien, Meinders, Rudy, Maher. Opposed – none. Motion passed.

The continuation requests from Fixed Amount AmeriCorps grantees were reviewed by a panel of task force members. The grantees submitting requests are UMaine Center on Aging, Town of Van Buren, Trekkers, Maine Street Skowhegan, Maine Youth Alliance. The panel recommends all fixed amount programs be awarded the funds and positions requested. 

MOVED by Matt L’Italien that the continuation requests from the fixed amount AmeriCorps grantees be recommended for full funding to the commission. Second by Rob Meinder. VOTE on the motion: In favor - Barrett, L’Italien, Meinders, Rudy, Maher. Opposed – none. Motion passed.

The continuation requests from Cost Reimbursement AmeriCorps grantees were reviewed by a second panel of task force members. Grantees submitting requests in this category were Maine Development Foundation and Greater Portland Council of Governments. The panel recommends both grantees be awarded the funds and positions requested.

MOVED by Matt L’Italien that the continuation requests from the two cost reimbursement AmeriCorps grantees be recommended for full funding to the commission. Second by Rob Meinder. VOTE on the motion: In favor - Barrett, L’Italien, Meinders, Rudy, Maher. Opposed – none. Motion passed.

The motions drafted to move these awards forward appear below.

There being no other business to discuss, the task force closed its meeting at 9:57 am
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New AmeriCorps Planning Grant Applications
    MOVE that the Alpha Legal Foundation’s AmeriCorps grant proposal for a 1-year planning grant be funded for no more than $60,000 with the stipulation that corrections and clarifications described in the report from reviewers are addressed before the federal submission deadline. The AmeriCorps funds awarded do not require a match.

    MOVE that the Maine Department of Education’s AmeriCorps grant proposal for a 1-year planning grant be funded for no more than $60,000 with the stipulation that corrections and clarifications described in the report from reviewers are addressed before the federal submission deadline. The AmeriCorps funds awarded do not require a match.

AmeriCorps Continuation Proposals
Cost Reimbursement 
    MOVE that the Greater Portland Council of Governments' AmeriCorps Resilience Corps be funded for year 3 of the 3-year grant at the level of $362,146 Federal Share, to be matched by at least $124,744 in local funds, supporting 14-member service years distributed over 14 slots; the cost per MSY is set at $25,868.

    MOVE that the Maine Development Foundation's Main Street Fellows AmeriCorps program be funded for year 3 of the 3-year grant at the requested level of $130,000 Federal Share, to be matched by at least $104,600 supporting 5-member service years (MSY’s) distributed over 10 slots with the proposed cost per member service year at $26,000 with the stipulation that the source of local funds be identified. 

Fixed Amount 
    MOVE that the Main Street Skowhegan’s AmeriCorps program be funded for year 2 of the 3-year grant at the requested level of $130,00 Federal Share, to be matched by at least $34,000 in local funds, supporting 5-member service years distributed over 5 slots with the stipulation that the executive summary align with the budget. The proposed cost per member service year is $26,000.

    MOVE that the Maine Youth Alliance's I KNOW ME/AmeriCorps Mentor program be funded for year 2 of the 3-year grant at the requested level of $104,000 Federal Share, to be matched by at least $135,250 in local funds, supporting 4-member service years distributed over 4 slots with the stipulation that progress reports be submitted on time. The proposed cost per member service year is $ 26,000.

    MOVE that the Trekkers AmeriCorps program be funded for year 2 of the 3-year grant at the requested level of $72,670 Federal Share, to be matched by at least $20,124 in local funds, supporting 2.79-member service years distributed over 5 slots with the stipulation that they adjust their cost per member service year to the maximum amount of $26,000.

    MOVE that the UMaine Center on Aging's Lifelong Maine AmeriCorps program be funded for year 2 of the 3-year grant at the requested level of $ 212,940 Federal Share, to be matched by at least $20,124 in local funds, supporting 8.16-member service years distributed over 18 slots with the stipulation that they adjust their cost per member service year to the maximum amount of $26,000.

    MOVE that the Town of Van Buren's AmeriCorps Five to Ninety-Five program be funded for year 2 of the 3-year grant at the requested level of $ 52,000 Federal Share, to be matched by at least $135,772 in local funds, supporting 2-member service years distributed over 2 slots. The proposed cost per member service year is $ 26,000.