Executive Committee

PRESENT: Jenni Tilton-Flood, Celeste Branham, Ed Barrett, Pam Proulx-Curry, Luke Shorty, Stacie Haines, Maryalice Crofton

The members convened at 3:30 pm using the virtual meeting technology.

Extending contract with SISGI
. There was a wide ranging discussion about what needs to be covered in contract, Commission role and authority in a state process, and whether there were two processes (one for the board which was pre-work, one for implementing). Final consensus is two-fold: ask Jessica Nixon from Dept of Ed and former board member to join transition committee; move forward with extending SISGI contract to cover transition/succession planning.

Feedback on MOU for Maine Service Fellows. Three committee members have feedback which will be passed to Jake Hurner, program coordinator, for edits. Luke asked that the AAG review the document before it is used. Final decision is the program advisory committee needs to be redeveloped with a focus on implementation decisions. The initial required committee was charged with design. The next iteration can include essential voices from the rural areas. 
New appointees to commission. Three new people will join reappointed members to be sworn in at the December meeting. The Commission will now have all required seats filled and the special condition on federal funds can be removed.

Legislation expected in the 131st that will impact Commission. Staff have heard of three bills being drafted that relate to the Commission. One for funding Climate Corps, a second to fund Service Fellows, and a third to change the Commission’s fiscal agent to the Secretary of State. There has been mention of a fourth (removing taxation of education award) but no indication it is being drafted. The Commission will need an ad hoc public policy committee to work with legislators on these bills. Stacie and Jenni will serve and Jenni will call for additional members at the December meeting.

Strategic plan work plan for 2023. Two task forces completed the review assigned for this month. There are a number of actions in the plan that will begin to infuse inclusion and equity into Commission work. It was decided to present the plan for discussion and action with the understanding that our environment is ever changing and updates may be needed mid-year. 

Board meeting agenda. Presentations by grantees will be suspended until after all grant decisions are made. Other items are held over from November and the Grant Task Force will have recommendations for the AmeriCorps Competitive awards.

There being no other discussion items, the members dispersed at 4:26 pm.