PRESENT: Pam Proulx-Curry, Veronica Kupferman, Lisa Morin, Sue Hawthorne, Cindy Whitney
Staff: M. Ashmore, K. Preecs
Welcome & Agenda adjustments
- No adjustments needed
Welcome & Agenda adjustments
- Introduced Cindy Whitney to the group, she is observing with the intent of joining the task Force
- DEI/JEDI update (Pam)
- Volunteer Maine has entered a contract with a DEI trainer who will also assist with the commission retreat in the fall.
Review of GSA nominations (Kelsey)
- There are many nominations coming in but we don't have any for the Volunteer of the Year. Kelsey is working with Bryan to get the word out more about nominations, and she will reach out to the Maine Volunteer Managers Network.
- E&E was tasked with sending it out to any contacts they may have who can help with that.
Data from Programs survey on offered Trainings (Continued from previous meeting)
- Review prior to meeting:
- Volunteer Maine would like to have a more complete list of the trainings that are being offered and who would be interested in taking them. Offering professional development is part of the recruitment strategy for AmeriCorps members.
- The task force was charged with looking at their own agencies to see what they may be able to offer to AmeriCorps members around training.
- Sue Hawthorne offered to do training around mental health first aid for members.
Maine Volunteer Leadership Conference: planning for in-person event.
- Kelsey is planning on having the MVLC in person.
- The committee established the conference will be held on October 11, and Kelsey will begin the conversation with the University to hold the conference there.
- The E&E task force has been charged with brining at least 1 speaker to the table for the conference.
Maine Ready: strategies for increasing participation/use
- The task force discussed the barriers of the platform. We will most likely need to start using the platform for running drills and engaging agencies in it so when the time comes for disaster relief, they already know how to use the platform.
Additional Updates
- None